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Individual Record for: Nahemya Tzal Meyerovitz (male)

     Nickname: Max

  Simcha Meyerwicz       
Nahemya Tzal Meyerovitz      Family Record  

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
Simcha Meyerwicz
Shana Apfel
  (Family Record)
Morris Meyerovitz

Event Date Details
Birth ABT 1835 Place: Lithuania
Death ABT 1865 Place: Lithuania
Meyerovitz, Morris
Quality: Primary
Source Text: letter written by Morris Meyerovitz states his father died when Morris w as bout 5 years old
Meyerovitz, Morris
Quality: Primary
Source Text: letter written by Morris Meyerovitz states his father died when Morris w as bout 5 years old
Meyerovitz, Morris
Quality: Primary
Source Text: letter written by Morris Meyerovitz states his father died when Morris w as bout 5 years old
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: son Morris's headstone gives father's name as Nahemy Tzal
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: son Morris's headstone gives father's name as Nahemy Tzal
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: son Morris's headstone gives father's name as Nahemy Tzal
This line is still uncertain. Molly is supposed to be related to Dr Me yerovitz and to Abraham Lincoln Marovitz, but no detail was given on th e exact connections.

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Last changed 2 APR 2006
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