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Individual Record for: Florence Simon (female)

  Barney Simon       
Florence Simon      Family Record  
Morris Meyerovitz+
  Rose Meyerovitz      Family Record
    Alta Tzlata Grelovitz

Spouse Children
Sidney Goodman
  (Family Record)
Saul Goodman
Ann Goodman
Steven L Goodman
Donald B Goodman

Event Date Details
Birth 28 JUL 1917
Baker, Howard
Quality: Questionable
Baker, Howard
Quality: Questionable
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006
lived at 2800 N Lake Shore Drive until about 1986 when she moved to
California to live with her daughter Ann and her granddaughters

March 1994:
6860 Hyde Park, Apt C
San Diego CA 92119

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Last changed 2 APR 2006
Web site created from GEDCOM file by GEDitCOM