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Individual Record for: Aberhaus Cotton (male)

Aberhaus Cotton         

Spouse Children
Mary Meyerowitz
  (Family Record)
Franzelia Cotton
Meyer Cotton
Dvora Rivka Cotton
Joseph Cotton
Rose Cotton

Event Date Details
Birth ABT 1830 Place: Russian Lithuania
Death BEF 1885 Place: Russian Lithuania
Burial BEF 1885 Place: Russian Lithuania
Hebrew Name  
surnames not required until 1812 in Prussia; 1845 in Russia
Apel, Helene Miller
Quality: Questionable

Attribute Details
Occupation coppersmith
Borenstein, Kate Miller
Page: Kate Miller Borenstein letter to Helene Apel, date 29 June 1976     Quality: Questionable
Source Text: "Mother's father was a coppersmith. He made copper wear by hand and he s ure must of been pious as was Grandma Merrie. She was so learned that s he could converse with Rabonim Chasomen, canters, and very learned peop le. In those days not too many women were learned in the Bible and Tor ah. We had some big doctors. Dr. Mayerovitz was considered a great do ctor."
Borenstein, Kate Miller
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Kate Miller Borenstein letter to Helene Apel, date 29 June 1976
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Page: headstone of daughter gives his Hebrew name     Quality: Secondary
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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