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Individual Record for: Bessie (female)

Bessie      Family Record  

Spouse Children
Eleatzar Miller
  (Family Record)
Joseph Henry Miller

Event Date Details
Birth 1 MAR 1827 Place: Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Bessie Miller died 11 Aug 1912, residence 1223 S Troy Chicago, born 1 M arch 1827 Russia
Death 10 AUG 1912 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
cert# 38867-20913 Bessie Miller, female, white, widow, b Russia, dob un k, about 80 yrs, died 10 Aug 1912 abt 11:46am, at home, place of death 1 223 S Troy, there 1 year, usual residence 1223 S Troy, ward 13, place o f burial Forest Park, undertaker F Lauer, 1638 W 12th Street, telephone ( Mun?)-2499 license #181, burial 11 Aug 1912, 1 pm. Attended Aug 10, 191 2 to Aug 10-, 1912, last saw Aug 10, 1912. Cause cancer of stomach, du ration (18 months?), contibuted by senitity, signed 11 Aug 1912, (Dr A B R aff?) Resident of city 22 ys, in state 22 ys, in USA 22 yrs. Fa Al Mill er, b Russia, Mo unk b Russia. Informant L Miller, 1223 Troy St
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Page: cert# 38867-20913     Quality: Primary
Source Text: 10 Aug 1912 abt 11:46am, at home, 1223 S Troy
LDS 1295971/72 WPA Chicago Death Index
Quality: Primary
Source Text: LDS# 1295971:
Miller, Celia 1505 Spaulding, died 25 Aug 1918 reg# 22291-11
Miller, Bessie, 1223 S Troy, died 10 Aug 1912 reg# 20913-5
Miller, Joseph, Oak Forest IL, OT died 28 Jan 1931 reg# 350-23
Immigrat'n 1882
1882 in 1900 census; 1892 in 1910 census; 1890 per death certificate
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Page: cert# 38867-20913     Quality: Primary
Source Text: 10 Aug 1912 abt 11:46am, at home, 1223 S Troy
Census 1900  
Census 15 APR 1910 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1910 IL Federal Census
Page: T624 R 270: vol 83: ED 1179: sheet 1A     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Jefferson Twp, Chicago, Cook, Illinois
3218 N Central Park Ave, 15 April 1910, family 3
Miller, Nathan M, head, 38, married 16 yrs, b Russia of Russian parents s peaking Yiddish, imm 1885, owns a tailor shop, can r/w, speaks English
Jennie A, wife, 36, 7 children all alive, b Russia of Russian parents s peaking Yiddish, imm 1888, can r/w, speaks English
Abe A, son, 15, b PA, not in school, can r/w, speaks English
Pearl S, dau, 13, b PA, in school, can r/w, speaks English
Goldie, dau, 12, b IL, in school, can r/w, speaks English
Lena, dau, 9, b IL, in school
Mary, dau, 8, b IL, in school
Rosie, dau, 5, b IL
Harry, son, 3, b IL
Bessie, mother, 78, widow, b Russia of Russian parents speaking Yiddish , imm 1892, cna not r/w, speaks Yiddish
Burial 11 AUG 1912 Place: Forest Park, Cook, Illinois
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: cert# 38867-20913 Bessie Miller, female, white, widow, b Russia, dob un k, about 80 yrs, died 10 Aug 1912 abt 11:46am, at home, place of death 1 223 S Troy, there 1 year, usual residence 1223 S Troy, ward 13, place o f burial Forest Park, undertaker F Lauer, 1638 W 12th Street, telephone ( Mun?)-2499 license #181,burial 11 Aug 1912, 1 pm. Attended Aug 10, 1912 t o Aug 10-, 1912, last saw Aug 10, 1912. Cause cancer of stomach, durat ion (18 months?), contibuted by senitity, signed 11 Aug 1912, (Dr A B R aff?) Resident of city 22 ys, in state 22 ys, in USA 22 yrs. Fa Al Mill er, b Russia, Mo unk b Russia. Informant L Miller, 1223 Troy St
Hebrew Name  
Apel, Helene Miller
Quality: Primary
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Primary
Source Text: headstone "Miller"
Hebrew> Basha bas R' Alchanan
Loving Mother, Grandmother
Mar 1, 1827 - Aug 11, 1912
Hebrew> Abraham Isaac bar Nissan Mayer
Beloved Son and Brother
Abe I
June 16, 1894 - June 21, 1911
Interment 11 AUG 1912 Place: Forest Park, Cook, Illinois
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Primary
Source Text: headstone "Miller"
Hebrew> Batia bas R' Alchanan
Loving Mother, Grandmother
Mar 1, 1827 - Aug 11, 1912
Hebrew> Abraham Isaac bar Nissan Mayer
Beloved Son and Brother
Abe I
June 16, 1894 - June 21, 1911
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: cert# 38867-20913 Bessie Miller, female, white, widow, b Russia, dob un k, about 80 yrs, died 10 Aug 1912 abt 11:46am, at home, place of death 1 223 S Troy, there 1 year, usual residence 1223 S Troy, ward 13, place o f burial Forest Park, undertaker F Lauer, 1638 W 12th Street, telephone ( Mun?)-2499 license #181,burial 11 Aug 1912, 1 pm. Attended Aug 10, 1912 t o Aug 10-, 1912, last saw Aug 10, 1912. Cause cancer of stomach, durat ion (18 months?), contibuted by senitity, signed 11 Aug 1912, (Dr A B R aff?)
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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