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Individual Record for: Francisca Nowak (female)

Francisca Nowak         

Spouse Children
Michal Paprocki
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth ABT 1840 Place: Posen, Preussen
Death BEF 1890 Place: Posen, Preussen
no evidence she came to USA
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006
Letter from Cecelia Paprocki Pagel says that Michael's second wife was a w idow with 2 daughters: Pearl married a baker named Joseph POWALICH. The y had 3 sons and 2 daughters. The other daughter married a man named MA ZALICKI who owns a saloon (tavern). They had a daughter, Helen. She "ha s the most beautiful red hair."

Cecelia also gave the husbands' names as Joseph Powabish(z), a family o f bakers, with children were Joseph, Ignatz and Pearl. And Ludwig Maza lewski.

I have been unable to locate either family in City Directories or censu s records in Milwaukee.

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Last changed 30 MAY 2004
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