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Individual Record for: Dora Marovitz (female)

    Simcha Meyerwicz
  Marovitz      Family Record
Dora Marovitz      Family Record Mary

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Death BET 1941 AND 1950
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19501012dn023     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Anna Saltzman, nee Marovitz, wife of the late Louis, dear mother of Alb ert, Ethel, Seymour, and Mason, sister of Mollie Levin, Bessie Green, a nd the late Dora Levin, Abraham, and Joseph Marovitz. Services Friday, 1 0 a.m. at chapel, 3654 W. Roosevelt road. Interment Kurlander Aid Socie ty cemetery, Waldheim.
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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