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Individual Record for: Michael S Marovitz (male)

  Abraham B Marovitz      Family Record
Michael S Marovitz      Family Record  
  Chaya Sara Lavin       

Event Date Details
Death BEF MAY 1954
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19540509dn089     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Samuel Marovitz of Portland, Ore., son of the late Abraham and Ida, fon d brother of Louis, Dora Rosenberg, Edward, Etta Bear of Los Angeles, A aron of Detroit, Jack, Eva Robin, Israel, and the late Michael S., Bess ie, Raphael, Maurice, and Harry. Services Monday, 2:30 p.m., at chapel, 1 300 Devon avenue. Interment Star of West. Member of Star of West.
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