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Individual Record for: Israel I Marovitz (male)

  Abraham B Marovitz      Family Record
Israel I Marovitz      Family Record  
  Chaya Sara Lavin       

Spouse Children
Leah Rabin
  (Family Record)
Gerald Marovitz
Janice Marovitz

Event Date Details
Birth ABT 1909
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19820316ob013     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Israel I. Marovitz, 73, an employee of the Mayor's Office f or Senior Citizens, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel at 111 Sko kie Blvd., Wilmette. Mr. Marovitz, of 2952 W. Chase Ave., a retired dep artment store salesman, was killed Saturday when struck by a car on Tou hy Avenue near his home. He was a 50-year member of the Independent Ord er of Odd Fellows Golden Harmony Lodge 917. He is survived by a son, Ge rald; a daughter, Janice Goldberg; a brother; and a sister.
Death ABT 15 MAR 1982 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19820316ob013     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Israel I. Marovitz, 73, an employee of the Mayor's Office f or Senior Citizens, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel at 111 Sko kie Blvd., Wilmette. Mr. Marovitz, of 2952 W. Chase Ave., a retired dep artment store salesman, was killed Saturday when struck by a car on Tou hy Avenue near his home. He was a 50-year member of the Independent Ord er of Odd Fellows Golden Harmony Lodge 917. He is survived by a son, Ge rald; a daughter, Janice Goldberg; a brother; and a sister.
Obituary 16 MAR 1982 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19820316ob013     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Israel I. Marovitz, 73, an employee of the Mayor's Office f or Senior Citizens, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel at 111 Sko kie Blvd., Wilmette. Mr. Marovitz, of 2952 W. Chase Ave., a retired dep artment store salesman, was killed Saturday when struck by a car on Tou hy Avenue near his home. He was a 50-year member of the Independent Ord er of Odd Fellows Golden Harmony Lodge 917. He is survived by a son, Ge rald; a daughter, Janice Goldberg; a brother; and a sister.
Memberships BET 1932 AND 1982
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19820316ob013     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Israel I. Marovitz, 73, an employee of the Mayor's Office f or Senior Citizens, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel at 111 Sko kie Blvd., Wilmette. Mr. Marovitz, of 2952 W. Chase Ave., a retired dep artment store salesman, was killed Saturday when struck by a car on Tou hy Avenue near his home. He was a 50-year member of the Independent Ord er of Odd Fellows Golden Harmony Lodge 917. He is survived by a son, Ge rald; a daughter, Janice Goldberg; a brother; and a sister.

Attribute Details
Residence 2952 W. Chase Ave
Occupation Mayor's Office for Senior Citizens
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19820316ob013     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Israel I. Marovitz, 73, an employee of the Mayor's Office f or Senior Citizens, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel at 111 Sko kie Blvd., Wilmette. Mr. Marovitz, of 2952 W. Chase Ave., a retired dep artment store salesman, was killed Saturday when struck by a car on Tou hy Avenue near his home. He was a 50-year member of the Independent Ord er of Odd Fellows Golden Harmony Lodge 917. He is survived by a son, Ge rald; a daughter, Janice Goldberg; a brother; and a sister.
Occupation department store salesman
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19820316ob013     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Israel I. Marovitz, 73, an employee of the Mayor's Office f or Senior Citizens, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel at 111 Sko kie Blvd., Wilmette. Mr. Marovitz, of 2952 W. Chase Ave., a retired dep artment store salesman, was killed Saturday when struck by a car on Tou hy Avenue near his home. He was a 50-year member of the Independent Ord er of Odd Fellows Golden Harmony Lodge 917. He is survived by a son, Ge rald; a daughter, Janice Goldberg; a brother; and a sister.
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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