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Individual Record for: Earl Victor Marovitz (male)

    Abraham B Marovitz+
  Edward Marovitz      Family Record
Earl Victor Marovitz      Family Record Chaya Sara Lavin

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
Edda Marovitz
Betsi Marovitz
Michael Marovitz

Event Date Details
Birth ABT 1927
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19680303ob019     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Earl Victor Marovitz, 41, of 3235 65th pl., who died Frida y night at home, will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the chapel at 1300 D evon av. Mr. Marovitz was a building contractor associated with M & M B uilding Contractors, 2008 S. Ashland av. Mr. Marovitz is survived by hi s widow, Rosalyn; two daughters, Mrs. Edda Scerba and Betsi; a son, Mic hael; one grandchild; and a sister.
Interment 4 MAR 1968  
Obituary 3 MAR 1968 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19680303ob019     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Earl Victor Marovitz, 41, of 3235 65th pl., who died Frida y night at home, will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the chapel at 1300 D evon av. Mr. Marovitz was a building contractor associated with M & M B uilding Contractors, 2008 S. Ashland av. Mr. Marovitz is survived by hi s widow, Rosalyn; two daughters, Mrs. Edda Scerba and Betsi; a son, Mic hael; one grandchild; and a sister.

Attribute Details
Residence 3235 65th Place
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19680303ob019     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Services for Earl Victor Marovitz, 41, of 3235 65th pl., who died Frida y night at home, will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the chapel at 1300 D evon av. Mr. Marovitz was a building contractor associated with M & M B uilding Contractors, 2008 S. Ashland av. Mr. Marovitz is survived by hi s widow, Rosalyn; two daughters, Mrs. Edda Scerba and Betsi; a son, Mic hael; one grandchild; and a sister.
Occupation building contractor associated with M & M Building Contractors, 2008 S. Ashland av
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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