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Individual Record for: Howard Bernard (male)

  Charles D Bernard       
Howard Bernard      Family Record  
Joseph Marovitz+
  Jeanette Marovitz      Family Record
    Rachel Glowitz

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
Iris Bernard
Deborah Bernard

Event Date Details
Death BEF MAY 1964
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19640524dn047     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Jeannette Bernard, nee Marovitz, 2930 N. Sheridan road, beloved wife of t he late Charles D.; loving mother of Adrienne Roth Garman and the late H oward Bernard; devoted mother-in-law of Ruth Bernard; darling grandmoth er of Iris and Debra Bernard, Mark, and Renni Roth; dear daughter of th e late Joseph and Rachel; fond sister of Bess Marovitz, Harold Marovitz , Judge Abraham L. Marovitz and Sidney R. Marovitz. Services, Monday 1 p .m., at Weinstein Bros. Chapel, 1300 Devon. Interment Jewish Waldheim. P lease omit flowers. Visitation at time of service. RO 1-2400.
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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