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Individual Record for: Rose Krieger (female)

Rose Krieger         

Spouse Children
Aaron Marovitz
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Death JAN 1968 Place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19680119dn095     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Rose Marovitz, nee Krieger, of Detroit, formerly of Chicago, beloved wi fe of Aaron; loving daughter of the late Abe and Kate Krieger; dear sis ter of Bess [Harry] Krohn and Faye [Barry] Shapiro. Services Friday, 12 n oon, at Weinstein Brother Chapel, 1300 W. Devon. Interment Star of West c emetery, Waldheim. Visitation at time of service. Please omit flowers. R O 1-2400.
Interment 19 JAN 1968 Place: Forest Park, Cook, Illinois
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19680119dn095     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Rose Marovitz, nee Krieger, of Detroit, formerly of Chicago, beloved wi fe of Aaron; loving daughter of the late Abe and Kate Krieger; dear sis ter of Bess [Harry] Krohn and Faye [Barry] Shapiro. Services Friday, 12 n oon, at Weinstein Brother Chapel, 1300 W. Devon. Interment Star of West c emetery, Waldheim. Visitation at time of service. Please omit flowers. R O 1-2400.
Obituary 19 JAN 1968 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19680119dn095     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Rose Marovitz, nee Krieger, of Detroit, formerly of Chicago, beloved wi fe of Aaron; loving daughter of the late Abe and Kate Krieger; dear sis ter of Bess [Harry] Krohn and Faye [Barry] Shapiro. Services Friday, 12 n oon, at Weinstein Brother Chapel, 1300 W. Devon. Interment Star of West c emetery, Waldheim. Visitation at time of service. Please omit flowers. R O 1-2400.
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