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Individual Record for: Robert Alan Baker (male)

    Samuel Baker
  Howard Baker      Family Record
Robert Alan Baker      Family Record Gertrude Meyerovitz+
  Marjorie Ellen Karasik       

Spouse Children
Jill Larson
  (Family Record)
Brigitte Gayle Baker
Nathan Grant Baker

Event Date Details
Birth 27 OCT 1958 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Baker, Michael
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Robert Alan Baker Born on 27 October 1958 - Chicago, IL
Married (CAL 1993), California, to Jill Larson 1958-, with
Brigitte Gayle 1995-
Nathan Grant 1999-
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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Last changed 26 MAR 2006
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