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Individual Record for: Michael David Baker (male)

    Samuel Baker
  Howard Baker      Family Record
Michael David Baker      Family Record Gertrude Meyerovitz+
  Marjorie Ellen Karasik       

Event Date Details
Birth 6 FEB 1963 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Baker, Michael
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Born on 31 July 1928 - Chicago, IL
Died on 19 December 2001 - Skokie, IL
Married on 23 May 1954, Chicago, IL, to Marjorie Ellen Karasik (1931- )
with children
Stuart Leon 1956-
Robert Alan 1958-
Michael David 1963-
Misc 9 FEB 2004
Baker, Michael
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: From: "Howard A. Baker"
To: "Michael Baker"
Subject: family tree
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 22:50:14 -0500

Michael -

After we spoke I mentioned our telephone conversation to my mother, Rut h Baker. She told me that she remembers many, many years ago that your g randfather visited New York with your father, who was quite young at th e time, and came to Staten Island. She remembers that she and my father t ook your grandfather and father to my mother's parents house also on St aten Island for dinner. She remembers that your father was very polite a nd good looking. See the kinds of nice memories we're "digging up" for p eople by doing this Reunion thing?

Oh yes, I am attaching the announcement letter, reservation information , personal family information form and the family tree teaser to this e -mail. Hopefully you can get it placed on your site.

All the best,
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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