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Individual Record for: Jessica Fern Vapor (female)

  Roger Vapor       
Jessica Fern Vapor      Family Record  
Laurance M Apel+
  Alison E Apel      Family Record
    Ida Cherne Cutler+

Spouse Children
Mark Alan Tucker
  (Family Record)
Lucas Elijah Tucker

Event Date Details
Birth 3 MAR 1976
Tucker, Jessica Vapor
Quality: Primary
Source Text: March 2002: personal knowledge: He was 8.2 lbs and 21 1/4 inches in le ngth.
Bas Mitzvah 25 MAR 1989 Place: Saint Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Saturday, the twenty-fifth of March, nineteen hundred and eighty-nine, a t eleven o'clock in the morning. Temple Beth-El, 400 Pasadena Avenue So uth, St. Petersburg, Florida
Reception and luncheon will follw in the Rothman Social Hall at the Tem ple.
Alison and Gerald Schorger
Hebrew Name  
Moskovitz, Joy Apel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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