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Individual Record for: Harold T Berc (male)

Harold T Berc         

Spouse Children
Shirley Meyerovitz
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details

Attribute Details
Occupation an attorney and past national commander of Amvets
Page: 6 April 1963 Chicago Tribune (IL)     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Abraham Berc, 84, of North Miami Beach, Fla., died yesterday in a North M iami Beach hospital. Mr. Berc, born in Romania, was a resident of Chica go from 1910 to 1949. Before his retirement 25 years ago he owned and o perated a school supply store at Glenwood and Ardmore avenues. He is su rvived by two sons, Lionel J., a Chicago assistant corporation counsel a nd head of the torts division of the city law department, and Harold T. , an attorney and past national commander of Amvets; a daughter, Mrs. A udrey Abrams; four grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren. Service s will be held at 11 a.m. Monday in the chapel at 1300 Devon av.

Copyright 1963, Chicago Tribune. For permission to reprint, contact Chi cago Tribune. Record Number: 19630406ob003
Page: 6 April 1963 Chicago Tribune (IL)     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Abraham Berc, 84, of North Miami Beach, Fla., died yesterday in a North M iami Beach hospital. Mr. Berc, born in Romania, was a resident of Chica go from 1910 to 1949. Before his retirement 25 years ago he owned and o perated a school supply store at Glenwood and Ardmore avenues. He is su rvived by two sons, Lionel J., a Chicago assistant corporation counsel a nd head of the torts division of the city law department, and Harold T. , an attorney and past national commander of Amvets; a daughter, Mrs. A udrey Abrams; four grandchildren; and three greatgrandchildren. Service s will be held at 11 a.m. Monday in the chapel at 1300 Devon av.

Copyright 1963, Chicago Tribune. For permission to reprint, contact Chi cago Tribune. Record Number: 19630406ob003
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