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Individual Record for: Deborah Stein (female)

    Morris B Stein+
  Albert F Stein      Family Record
Deborah Stein      Family Record Sarah
  Berna Weiss       

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Living FEB 2006  

Attribute Details
Occupation radio announcer and producer at WFMT-FM
Newspaper article
Page: 19 Feb 2006 Chicago Tribune
Source Text: "I have trouble getting around. I don't go to hospitals anymore. I don' t see newborns unless they're sick," said the doctor, who was widowed i n 1984 and who has two grown children, an ophthalmologist son, Robert, a nd a daughter, Deborah Frumkin, who is a radio announcer and producer a t WFMT-FM, the classical radio station. "Physically, you can't go on fo rever."
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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Last changed 29 MAR 2006
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