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Individual Record for: Rose Bremer (female)

Rose Bremer         

Spouse Children
Joseph Cotton
  (Family Record)
Goldie Cotton
Katie Cotton
Abraham Cotton
Herman Cotton
Esther Cotton
Dorathye D Cotton

Event Date Details
Birth AUG 1875 Place: Russian Lithuania
1910 IL Federal Census
Page: T1264 R68 vol 70 ED 894 line 32     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: T1264 R68 SD 1 ED 894 sheet 2B (vol 70 line 32)
4 April 1910, Chicago, Cook, IL, ward 20
808 Winchester Ave, dwelling 15, famiily 32
Cotton, Joseph, head, 41 married 14 yrs, b Russia of Russian parents sp eaking Yiddish, imm 1889, naturalized, speaks English, pressman in tail or co for wages [bc 1868], can r/w, rents
Cotton, Rose, wife, 35, 7 children,5 alive, b Russia of Russian parents s peaking Yiddish, speaks English, can r/w
Cotton, Goldie, dau, 12, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Kate, dau, 11, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Abraham, son, 6, b IL, in school
Cotton, Hyman, son, 5, b IL
Cotton, Mary, mother, 80, widow, 6 children, 5 alive, b Russia of Russi an parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1894, can not r/w
Cotton, Esther, daughter,3/12, b IL
Cotton, Hyman, nephew,21, single, b England of Russian parents speaking Y iddish, imm 1904, petitioned, speak English, lab sweeper in clothing ho use for wages
Cotton, Abraham, nephew, 19, single, b England of Russian parents speak ing Yiddish, imm 1909, speaks English, stock boy in dept store for wage s, out of work 6 months, can not r/w, not in school
1900 IL Federal Census
Page: T623 270; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 613     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 8 June 1900 ; Chicago Ward 19, Cook, Illinois;
131 Bunker Street, dwelling 110, family 312
Cotton, Joseph, head, Feb 1872, age 28, married 4 yrs, b Russia of Russ ian parents, imm 1890, naturalized, tailor, lit, rents
Rosa, wife, Aug 1875, age 24, 2 child/ 2 alive, b Russia of Russian par ents, imm 1893, lit
Goldie, dau, July 1897, 2, b IL
Gertie, dau, Sept 1898, 1, b IL
Siegal, Herman, boarder, Dec 1873, age 26, single, b Russia of Russian p arents, imm 1892, naturalized, tailor, lit
Max, boarder, Apr 1881, age 18, single, b Russia of Russian parents, im m 1897, tailor, lit
Bremer, Annie, boarder, Apr 1880, age 20, single, b Russia of Russian p arents, imm 1895, tailor, lit
Immigrat'n 1891
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois: Roll: T626_459 Page: 2A ED: 965 Image: 08 35
3 April 1930, 3824 Van Buren Street
Cotton, Joseph, head, owns $20,000, has radio, 59, married 26, lit, b L ithuania, of Lithuanian parents speaking Lithuanian, imm 1890, naturali zed, tailor in tailor shop for wages, not a veteran
Rose, wife, 53, married age 20, lit, b Lithuania, of Lithuanian parents s peaking, imm 1891, naturalized
Abraham, son, 27, single, lit, b IL, salesman in grocery store for wage s
Estelle, dau, 20, single, lit, b IL, stenographer for manufacturer for w ages
Dorothy, dau, 13, in school, lit, b IL
Abraham, nephew, 35, single, lit, b England, parents born Lithuania, sp eaks English, imm 1910, naturalized, salesman in clothing for wages, no t working yesterday, veteran WW
1910 IL Federal Census
Page: T1264 R68 vol 70 ED 894 line 32     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: T1264 R68 SD 1 ED 894 sheet 2B (vol 70 line 32)
4 April 1910, Chicago, Cook, IL, ward 20
808 Winchester Ave, dwelling 15, famiily 32
Cotton, Joseph, head, 41 married 14 yrs, b Russia of Russian parents sp eaking Yiddish, imm 1889, naturalized, speaks English, pressman in tail or co for wages [bc 1868], can r/w, rents
Cotton, Rose, wife, 35, 7 children,5 alive, b Russia of Russian parents s peaking Yiddish, imm 1891, speaks English, can r/w
Cotton, Goldie, dau, 12, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Kate, dau, 11, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Abraham, son, 6, b IL, in school
Cotton, Hyman, son, 5, b IL
Cotton, Mary, mother, 80, widow, 6 children, 5 alive, b Russia of Russi an parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1894, can not r/w
Cotton, Esther, daughter,3/12, b IL
Cotton, Hyman, nephew,21, single, b England of Russian parents speaking Y iddish, imm 1904, petitioned, speak English, lab sweeper in clothing ho use for wages
Cotton, Abraham, nephew, 19, single, b England of Russian parents speak ing Yiddish, imm 1909, speaks English, stock boy in dept store for wage s, out of work 6 months, can not r/w, not in school
Census 4 APR 1910 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1910 IL Federal Census
Page: T1264 R68 vol 70 ED 894 line 32     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: T1264 R68 SD 1 ED 894 sheet 2B (vol 70 line 32)
4 April 1910, Chicago, Cook, IL, ward 20
808 Winchester Ave, dwelling 15, famiily 32
Cotton, Joseph, head, 41 married 14 yrs, b Russia of Russian parents sp eaking Yiddish, imm 1889, naturalized, speaks English, pressman in tail or co for wages [bc 1868], can r/w, rents
Cotton, Rose, wife, 35, 7 children,5 alive, b Russia of Russian parents s peaking Yiddish, imm 1891, speaks English, can r/w
Cotton, Goldie, dau, 12, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Kate, dau, 11, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Abraham, son, 6, b IL, in school
Cotton, Hyman, son, 5, b IL
Cotton, Mary, mother, 80, widow, 6 children, 5 alive, b Russia of Russi an parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1894, can not r/w
Cotton, Esther, daughter,3/12, b IL
Cotton, Hyman, nephew,21, single, b England of Russian parents speaking Y iddish, imm 1904, petitioned, speak English, lab sweeper in clothing ho use for wages
Cotton, Abraham, nephew, 19, single, b England of Russian parents speak ing Yiddish, imm 1909, speaks English, stock boy in dept store for wage s, out of work 6 months, can not r/w, not in school
Census 7 JAN 1920 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1920 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Roll: T625_322 ED: 780 Page: 2A Image: 741
7 Jan 1920, 3710 Polk Street, Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Cotton, Joe, head, rents, 50, married, imm 1890, naturalized 1895, can r /w, speaks Russian, b Russia, tailor in tailoring firm, for wages
Rosie, wife, 45, imm 1891, naturalized 1896, can r/w, speaks Russian, b R ussia
Goldie, dau, 22, single, b IL, clerk in perfume company, for wages
Katie, dau, 21, single, b IL, index clerk in a mail order house, for wa ges
Abe, son, 19, single, b IL, shipping clerk in a belt company, for wages
Hyman, son, 14, b IL, attending school
Esther, dau, 10, b IL
Dorothy, dau, 3, b IL
Abe, nephew, 26, single, unknown imm yr, naturalized 1913, can r/w, b E ngland, speaks English, parents b Russia, clerk in a department store
Census 3 APR 1930 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois: Roll: T626_459 Page: 2A ED: 965 Image: 08 35
3 April 1930, 3824 Van Buren Street
Cotton, Joseph, head, owns $20,000, has radio, 59, married 26, lit, b L ithuania, of Lithuanian parents speaking Lithuanian, imm 1890, naturali zed, tailor in tailor shop for wages, not a veteran
Rose, wife, 53, married age 20, lit, b Lithuania, of Lithuanian parents s peaking, imm 1891, naturalized
Abraham, son, 27, single, lit, b IL, salesman in grocery store for wage s
Estelle, dau, 20, single, lit, b IL, stenographer for manufacturer for w ages
Dorothy, dau, 13, in school, lit, b IL
Abraham, nephew, 35, single, lit, b England, parents born Lithuania, sp eaks English, imm 1910, naturalized, salesman in clothing for wages, no t working yesterday, veteran WW
Census 8 JUN 1900 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1900 IL Federal Census
Page: T623 270; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 613     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 8 June 1900 ; Chicago Ward 19, Cook, Illinois;
131 Bunker Street, dwelling 110, family 312
Cotton, Joseph, head, Feb 1872, age 28, married 4 yrs, b Russia of Russ ian parents, imm 1890, naturalized, tailor, lit, rents
Rosa, wife, Aug 1875, age 24, 2 child/ 2 alive, b Russia of Russian par ents, imm 1893, lit
Goldie, dau, July 1897, 2, b IL
Gertie, dau, Sept 1898, 1, b IL
Siegal, Herman, boarder, Dec 1873, age 26, single, b Russia of Russian p arents, imm 1892, naturalized, tailor, lit
Max, boarder, Apr 1881, age 18, single, b Russia of Russian parents, im m 1897, tailor, lit
Bremer, Annie, boarder, Apr 1880, age 20, single, b Russia of Russian p arents, imm 1895, tailor, lit
Misc 4 APR 1910
1910 IL Federal Census
Page: T1264 R68 vol 70 ED 894 line 32     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: T1264 R68 SD 1 ED 894 sheet 2B (vol 70 line 32)
4 April 1910, Chicago, Cook, IL, ward 20
808 Winchester Ave, dwelling 15, famiily 32
Cotton, Joseph, head, 41 married 14 yrs, b Russia of Russian parents sp eaking Yiddish, imm 1889, naturalized, speaks English, pressman in tail or co for wages [bc 1868], can r/w, rents
Cotton, Rose, wife, 35, 7 children,5 alive, b Russia of Russian parents s peaking Yiddish, speaks English, can r/w
Cotton, Goldie, dau, 12, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Kate, dau, 11, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Abraham, son, 6, b IL, in school
Cotton, Hyman, son, 5, b IL
Cotton, Mary, mother, 80, widow, 6 children, 5 alive, b Russia of Russi an parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1894, can not r/w
Cotton, Esther, daughter,3/12, b IL
Cotton, Hyman, nephew,21, single, b England of Russian parents speaking Y iddish, imm 1904, petitioned, speak English, lab sweeper in clothing ho use for wages
Cotton, Abraham, nephew, 19, single, b England of Russian parents speak ing Yiddish, imm 1909, speaks English, stock boy in dept store for wage s, out of work 6 months, can not r/w, not in school

Attribute Details
Residence 3710 Polk Street
1920 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Roll: T625_322 ED: 780 Page: 2A Image: 741
7 Jan 1920, 3710 Polk Street, Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Cotton, Joe, head, rents, 50, married, imm 1890, naturalized 1895, can r /w, speaks Russian, b Russia, tailor in tailoring firm, for wages
Rosie, wife, 45, imm 1891, naturalized 1896, can r/w, speaks Russian, b R ussia
Goldie, dau, 22, single, b IL, clerk in perfume company, for wages
Katie, dau, 21, single, b IL, index clerk in a mail order house, for wa ges
Abe, son, 19, single, b IL, shipping clerk in a belt company, for wages
Hyman, son, 14, b IL, attending school
Esther, dau, 10, b IL
Dorothy, dau, 3, b IL
Abe, nephew, 26, single, unknown imm yr, naturalized 1913, can r/w, b E ngland, speaks English, parents b Russia, clerk in a department store
Residence 3824 Van Buren Street
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois: Roll: T626_459 Page: 2A ED: 965 Image: 08 35
3 April 1930, 3824 Van Buren Street
Cotton, Joseph, head, owns $20,000, has radio, 59, married 26, lit, b L ithuania, of Lithuanian parents speaking Lithuanian, imm 1890, naturali zed, tailor in tailor shop for wages, not a veteran
Rose, wife, 53, married age 20, lit, b Lithuania, of Lithuanian parents s peaking, imm 1891, naturalized
Abraham, son, 27, single, lit, b IL, salesman in grocery store for wage s
Estelle, dau, 20, single, lit, b IL, stenographer for manufacturer for w ages
Dorothy, dau, 13, in school, lit, b IL
Abraham, nephew, 35, single, lit, b England, parents born Lithuania, sp eaks English, imm 1910, naturalized, salesman in clothing for wages, no t working yesterday, veteran WW
Residence 808 Winchester Ave
1910 IL Federal Census
Page: T1264 R68 vol 70 ED 894 line 32     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: T1264 R68 SD 1 ED 894 sheet 2B (vol 70 line 32)
4 April 1910, Chicago, Cook, IL, ward 20
808 Winchester Ave, dwelling 15, famiily 32
Cotton, Joseph, head, 41 married 14 yrs, b Russia of Russian parents sp eaking Yiddish, imm 1889, naturalized, speaks English, pressman in tail or co for wages [bc 1868], can r/w, rents
Cotton, Rose, wife, 35, 7 children,5 alive, b Russia of Russian parents s peaking Yiddish, speaks English, can r/w
Cotton, Goldie, dau, 12, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Kate, dau, 11, b IL, can r/w, in school
Cotton, Abraham, son, 6, b IL, in school
Cotton, Hyman, son, 5, b IL
Cotton, Mary, mother, 80, widow, 6 children, 5 alive, b Russia of Russi an parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1894, can not r/w
Cotton, Esther, daughter,3/12, b IL
Cotton, Hyman, nephew,21, single, b England of Russian parents speaking Y iddish, imm 1904, petitioned, speak English, lab sweeper in clothing ho use for wages
Cotton, Abraham, nephew, 19, single, b England of Russian parents speak ing Yiddish, imm 1909, speaks English, stock boy in dept store for wage s, out of work 6 months, can not r/w, not in school
Residence 131 Bunker Street
1900 IL Federal Census
Page: T623 270; Page: 16B; Enumeration District: 613     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 8 June 1900 ; Chicago Ward 19, Cook, Illinois;
131 Bunker Street, dwelling 110, family 312
Cotton, Joseph, head, Feb 1872, age 28, married 4 yrs, b Russia of Russ ian parents, imm 1890, naturalized, tailor, lit, rents
Rosa, wife, Aug 1875, age 24, 2 child/ 2 alive, b Russia of Russian par ents, imm 1893, lit
Goldie, dau, July 1897, 2, b IL
Gertie, dau, Sept 1898, 1, b IL
Siegal, Herman, boarder, Dec 1873, age 26, single, b Russia of Russian p arents, imm 1892, naturalized, tailor, lit
Max, boarder, Apr 1881, age 18, single, b Russia of Russian parents, im m 1897, tailor, lit
Bremer, Annie, boarder, Apr 1880, age 20, single, b Russia of Russian p arents, imm 1895, tailor, lit
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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