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Title: Harand Camp job contract

Text from Source: Sulie and Pearl Harand Camp of the Theatre Arts, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsi n (410 S. Michigan Ave., Room 808, Chicago, Illinois 60605)
Agreement between Harand Camp and Staff Member Jeff Moskovitz
The siogning of this agreement by the Camp Director and the above named S taff Member binds them to the following terms:
1. The Staff Member agrees to serve the Camp to the best of his/her abi lity in te capacity of kitchen aide.
2. The agreed dates of employment are from June 22, 1971 to Aug. 25th, 1 971.
3. The salary to be paid by the Camp to the Staff Member for the period s tated above is $ Four Hundred Dollars. In additon to the above stated s alary, the Camp agrees to provide Room & Board, Linens.
4. Jeff may participate in Acting Company class sessions and performanc es.
4. (sic) The Staff Member agrees to abide by the personnel policies and p ractices of the Camp and to the following special conditions:
a. Harand Camp reserves the right to reassign the Staff Member or cance l this agreement because of misconduct or the incapabilities of the Sta ff Member.
b. The Staff Member agrees that smoking in the campers' quarters is suf ficient grounds for dismissal. The use of illegal drugs or marijuana is g rounds for immediate dismissal.
This Agreement shall be deemed to have been executed in the state in wh ich the Camp is located. Accepted according to the above terms and cond itions:
Signed Pearl Harand, date June 9, 1971
Signed Jeffrey Moskovitz, Address 6422 N Francisco,Date June 9, 1971
(Return both copies to the Chicago office, 410 S. Michigan Ave., Room 8 08, Chicago, Illinois 60605.) HArrison 7-0567/AC 312

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