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Husband: Max Moskovitz

Wife: Joy Mila Apel

Child Sex Born Family
Jeffrey Niles Moskovitz Son 16 NOV 1950 Family Record
Susan Rhona Moskovitz Daughter 15 MAY 1951 Family Record

Event Date Details
Marriage 19 JUN 1948 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Joy Moskovitz: April 1978:
In May 1948, Joy was in a private room in the hospital for surgery (fe male problems? she won't be specific). Anna Moskovitz Kramer was in th e next room in the hospital with a spinal fusion. Helene Apel met ever yone on the floor. Helene invited people into Joy's room to sit down b ecause Anna's was too crowded. Anna's husband came in and Joy's reacti on was "blah" and he is to this day. Next came Benny "Nice, but..." Th en came Max in "I'm going to marry him!" Joy and Max were married in a c ivil ceremony 1 month later. Max's family were still in offical mourni ng because of Jacob's death in March.
Moskovitz, Joy Apel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Civil marriage at City Hall, Chicago, 19 Jun 1948 license# 2035617 cert # B17022, by Judge Clayton: Max Moskovitz and Joy Berk in Chicago IL

Religious marriage: 3 April 1949: 1st day of the week, 1th day of Nissa n in 5709 by Rabbi Milton A Saffir. Their religious ceremony was held a fter the 11 month shiva for Jacob (and out of respect for Eva). There w as a big party at the Cafe Royal on Roosevelt Road, Chicago.
Source Notes:
1997 Mar 6 By Ruth Saffir, Kaye Betsy & Mark Flanzer, Isser Mordechai & S helley Saffir, and Sarah Leah & Mat Weisenberg, and families, with deep , loving and revered memory of our dearly beloved husband, father, gran dfather and great-grandfather, Dr. Milton Saffir, z"l, on his sixteenth Y ahrzeit on 9 Adar II. (Poalei
Zedek Chicago, Petach Tikva, Israel)
Moskovitz, Joy Apel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Civil marriage at City Hall, Chicago, 19 Jun 1948 license# 2035617 cert # B17022, by Judge Clayton: Max Moskovitz and Joy Berk in Chicago IL

Religious marriage: 3 April 1949: 1st day of the week, 1th day of Nissa n in 5709 by Rabbi Milton A Saffir. Their religious ceremony was held a fter the 11 month shiva for Jacob (and out of respect for Eva). There w as a big party at the Cafe Royal on Roosevelt Road, Chicago.
Source Notes:
1997 Mar 6 By Ruth Saffir, Kaye Betsy & Mark Flanzer, Isser Mordechai & S helley Saffir, and Sarah Leah & Mat Weisenberg, and families, with deep , loving and revered memory of our dearly beloved husband, father, gran dfather and great-grandfather, Dr. Milton Saffir, z"l, on his sixteenth Y ahrzeit on 9 Adar II. (Poalei
Zedek Chicago, Petach Tikva, Israel)
Joy Moskovitz: April 1978:
In May 1948, Joy was in a private room in the hospital for surgery
(female problems? she won't be specific). Anna Moskovitz Kramer was
in the next room in the hospital with a spinal fusion. Helene Apel
met everyone on the floor. Helene invited people into Joy's room to
sit down because Anna's was too crowded. Anna's husband came in and
Joy's reaction was "blah" and he is to this day. Next came benny
"Nice, but..." Then came Max in "I'm going to marry him!" Joy and Max
were married in a civil ceremony 1 month later. Max's family were
still in offical mourning because of Jacob's death in March.

Civil marriage at City Hall, Chicago, 19 Jun 1948
Religious marriage: 1st day of the week, 4th day of Nissan in 5709.
Max Moskovitz and Joy Berk in Chicago IL
Their religious ceremony was held 3 April 1949, after the shiva. There
was a big party in a hall on Roosevelt Road, Chicago. Rabbi Milton A

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