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Individual Record for: Jeffrey Niles Moskovitz (male)

    Jacob Ben-Zion Moskovitz+
  Max Moskovitz      Family Record
Jeffrey Niles Moskovitz      Family Record Eva Popel
George Apel+
  Joy Mila Apel      Family Record
    Helene Mildred Miller+

Spouse Children
Denise Linn Pagel
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 16 NOV 1950 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
born 2:31 AM Thursday at Mt Sinai Hosp, Chgo
Hebrew Name 23 NOV 1950 Place: Chicago Ridge, Cook, Illinois
Hebrew name Chiam Yakov Nachemya, Yonkel for grandfather Jacob Moskovit z, Nachemya for uncle Nathan Lubin, husband of Florence, sister of Hele ne. Chiam added after birth when he survived surgery c 18 months old. B ris held 23 Nov 1950, Rabbi Kagan acting as moyel.
Circumcision Certificate
Circumcision Certificate
Hebrew Name  
Has a folk etymological connection to Phoebus, another name for the Gre ek sun god Apollo (the actual origin of Feiwus is probably from the Lat in Vivus for Chaim, which is itself a medieval name derived from Judaeo -Spanish Jaime = James - Jacob. Feiwus is a kinnuim for Uri.
Moskovitz, Joy Apel
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Jakov for Jacob Moskovitz; Nachemia for Nathan Lubin; Chiam added when h e was 18 mothe old after surviving intestinal surgery.
Moskovitz, Joy Apel
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Jakov for Jacob Moskovitz; Nachemia for Nathan Lubin; Chiam added when h e was 18 mothe old after surviving intestinal surgery.
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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Last changed 2 APR 2006
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