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Individual Record for: Jacob Ben-Zion Moskovitz (male)

    Leazar Moskovitz
  Hyman Tzvi Moskovitz      Family Record
Jacob Ben-Zion Moskovitz      Family Record  

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
Rose Moskovitz
female Moskovitz
Eva Popel
  (Family Record)
Max Moskovitz

Event Date Details
Birth 9 JUL 1879 Place: Lomza, Poland
"Image Before My Eyes: A Photographic History of Jewish Life in Poland, 1 864-1939" by Lucjan Dobroszycki and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett; Scho cken Books, c1977; page 258 Lomze/Lomzhe/Lomza, Bialystok province. Tot al population: 22,014, Jewish population 9,131. Jewish 41.5%

naturalization gived bdate as 5 July 1888
1910 census gives age as 30

In the 16th century, Lomza, which lies on the shore of the Narew River, w as the third largest city - behind Warsaw and Plock - in the Mazovia re gion. Its importance was the result of its location at the intersection o f two important trade routes that cut through Europe at the time. Today , the city is still an important junction for international road transp ortation. Through it runs the shortest route from central Poland to the B altic States and Finland. Its location caused the history of Lomza, mar ked by significant periods of economic development as well as destructi on during wars, to reflect the history of Poland. After World War II, t hree-fourths of the city lay in ruins, and the number of inhabitants wa s reduced by 60%. Visible growth was not noted until the 1970's and 198 0's, when large cotton, furniture, and food-processing plants were buil t here. Economic transformation in the 1990's, however, resulted in the c ollapse of the local industry, which was not able to adapt to market co nditions.
IL Cook Co Superior Court
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois (researched 21 Oct 1982)
Jake Moskovitz, born 5 July 1888, arrived New York City, 1894 left Antw erp, Belgium. In Illinois for 6 years, occupation: tailor; address 117 N ewberry, Chicago
[note: 6 Newberry is now 1307 Newberry]
naturalization date 5 Sept 1904, born Lomza, Russia
witnesses: Sam Finkelman, 463 S Morgan, J Jacobson, 465 S Morgan
1910 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1910 IL census (T 12674?) R 271 IL M213 vol 023 ED 1542 line 0196
Cook, Proviso Twp, Maywood, 629 S 13th Ave
MASKOVITCH, Jake, white, age 30, born Rsa PrWr, citizen IL, arrived
1893, speaks Yiddish, owns own home, mortgaged
Eva, wife, age 21, born Rsa PrWr, arrived 1906
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_507 Page: 4A ED: 2923 Image: 0474
4 April 1930 : Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook, Illinois
629 S 13th Ave, dwelling 42, family 64
WW I Draft Card
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Jacob Muskovitz, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, age 39, b 20 Aug 1 879, white, naturalized, tailor for Weinstock & Levy, 321 Adams Street, C hicago, Ill; Eva Muskovitz, wife, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, m edium height & build, browneyes, dark brown hair, Roll: 1504113 DraftB oard: 4
Death 27 MAR 1948 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
died at 1532 S Drake
IL State Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Moskovitz, Jacob, male, white, cert# 0009644, 27 Mar 1948, Chicago, Coo k, Illinois
Immigrat'n 16 AUG 1896 Place: New York, New York, New York
Passengers from Russia
First Class
0154. Bermann, Leib M 32y Russia
0155. Padowitz, Aron M 32y Russia
0208. Berger, Lauser M 36y Russia
Second CLass
0141. Weinstein, Abraham Chaim M 9y Russia
0142. Weinstein, Liefshe Chane F 4y Russia
Third Class
0135. Rozan, Chaje F 18y Russia
0156. Tukocinski, Moyses M 63y Russia
Fourth Class
0136. Maszkiewicz, Chaim M 56y Russia
0137. Maszkiewicz, Jankel M 18y 9m Russia
0138. Maszkiewicz, Blume F 16y Russia
0139. Maszkiewicz, Rachel F 9y Russia
0140. Weinstein, Broshe Leie F 30y Russia
0143. Weinstein, Josef M 19y Russia
0144. Mertens, Auguste M 25y U.S.A.
0145. Chleban, Georg M 24y Hungaria
0147. Gryszkiewiez, Anna F 22y Russia
0148. Gryszkiewiez, Bronislawa F 1y 6m Russia
0150. Kohn, David M 19y Russia
IL Cook Co Superior Court
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois (researched 21 Oct 1982)
Jake Moskovitz, born 5 July 1888, arrived New York City, 1894
left Antwerp, Belgium, in Illinois for 6 years
occupation: tailor
address 117 Newberry, Chicago [note: 6 Newberry is now 1307 Newberry]
naturalization date 5 Sept 1904, born Lomza, Russia
witnesses: Sam Finkelman, 463 S Morgan, J Jacobson, 465 S Morgan
1910 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1910 IL census (T 12674?) R 271 IL M213 vol 023 ED 1542 line 0196
Cook, Proviso Twp, Maywood, 629 S 13th Ave
MASKOVITCH, Jake, white, age 30, born Rsa PrWr, citizen IL, arrived
1893, speaks Yiddish, owns own home, mortgaged
Eva, wife, age 21, born Rsa PrWr, arrived 1906
Ellis Island Records
Quality: Primary
Source Text: arrived August 19, 1896 on ship Southwark from Antwerp, Belgium
Line 0136. Maszkiewicz, Chaim M 56y Russia
Line 0137. Maszkiewicz, Jankel M 18y 9m Russia
Line 0138. Maszkiewicz, Blume F 16y Russia
Line 0139. Maszkiewicz, Rachel F 9y Russia
Source Notes:
1892 weavers strike
1894 Alexander III died and Nicholas II begins reign
1896 St Petersburg 30,000 workers strike
Nat'rlized 5 SEP 1904 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
IL Cook Co Superior Court
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois (researched 21 Oct 1982)
Jake Moskovitz, born 5 July 1888, arrived New York City, 1894
left Antwerp, Belgium, in Illinois for 6 years, occupation: tailor
address 117 Newberry, Chicago [note: 6 Newberry is now 1307 Newberry]
naturalization date 5 Sept 1904, born Lomza, Russia
witnesses: Sam Finkelman, 463 S Morgan, J Jacobson, 465 S Morgan
Certificate of Naturalization
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Certificate of Naturalization (picture attached) No. OL-21,610
Application No. 11B-12515
age 53 sex: male color: white
complexion: medium color of eyes: hazel
color of hair: gray height: 5 feet 8 inches
weight: 185 pounds visble distinctive marks: none
marital status: married former nationality: Russia
Jake Moskowitz *
1553 South Drake Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
was naturalized by the Superior Court of Cook County, at Chicago, Illin ois, on October 1, 1904.
1 August forty-one sixty-sixth 21610
Census APR 1910 Place: Maywood, Cook, Illinois
1910 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1910 IL census (T 12674?) R 271 IL M213 vol 023 ED 1542 line 0196
Cook, Proviso Twp, Maywood, 629 S 13th Ave
MASKOVITCH, Jake, white, age 30, married 2 yrs, b RusPol of Russian par ents, imm 1893, naturalized, owns own home, mortgaged, can r/w, speaks Y iddish
Eva, wife, age 21, no children, b RusPol of Russian parents, arrived 19 06, can not r/w
Census 14 JAN 1920 Place: Maywood, Cook, Illinois
1920 IL census index (M 1559 R 282) Vol 134 ED 194 Sheet 20 Line 1
629 - 13th Ave, Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook Co IL
taken 14 Jan 1920 by Kathryn T Dremond
MUSKIVITZ, Jake, owns w/mortgage, age 40, arrived 1894, naturalized
1910, can r/w, born Russia of Russian Jewish parents, speaks english,
tailor in a ladies shop
MUSKIVITZ, Eva, wife, arrived 1894, naturalized 1910, age 31, can
read, can't write, born Russia of Russian Jewish parents, can speak
English, no job
MUSKIVITZ, Ray, daughter, age 8 6/12, in school, can r/w, born
MUSKIVITZ, Bennie, son, age 6 6/2*, in school, can r/w, born Illinois
MUSKIVITZ, Anna, daughter, age 4, born Illinois
MUSKIVITZ, Martha, daughter, age 2 3/12, born Illinois
1920 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: (M 1559 R 282) Vol 134 ED 194 Sheet 20 Line 1 Image: 1018
629 - 13th Ave, Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook Co IL
Census 4 APR 1930 Place: Maywood, Cook, Illinois
1930 Illinois Roll: T626_507 Page: 4A ED: 2923 Image: 0474
4 April 1930 : Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook, Illinois
629 S 13th Ave, dwelling 42, family 64
Moskovitz, Jacob, head, owns $4000, R, not farm, male, whote, 50 , marr ied, age 28 at marriage, not school, lit, b Poland of Polish parents, s peaks Yiddish, imm yr unk, naturalized, tailor in a wholesale firm, wag es, employed
Eva, wife, female, white, 41, married, age 19 at marriage, not school, l it, b Russia of Russia parents, speaks Yiddish, imm yr unk, naturalized
Rae, dau, 18, single, not in school, lit, b IL, saleswoman in retail dr y goods, wages, employed
Ben, son, 17, single, in school, lit, b IL
Anna, dau, 14, single, in school, lit, b IL
Martha, dau, 13, single, in school, lit, b IL
Max, son, 10, single, in school, lit, b IL
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_507 Page: 4A ED: 2923 Image: 0474
4 April 1930 : Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook, Illinois
629 S 13th Ave, dwelling 42, family 64
Burial ABT 29 MAR 1948 Place: Forest Park, Cook, Illinois
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Primary
Source Text: gate 36 Headstone reads: Yakov Ben-Zion bar Chiam Tzvi (in Hebrew)
Misc SEP 1918 Place: Maywood, Cook, Illinois
WW I Draft Card
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Jacob Muskovitz, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, age 39, b 20 Aug 1 879, white, naturalized, tailor for Weinstock & Levy, 321 Adams Street, C hicago, Ill; Eva Muskovitz, wife, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, m edium height & build, browneyes, dark brown hair, Roll: 1504113 DraftB oard: 4
Hebrew Name  
Has a folk etymological connection to Phoebus, another name for the Gre ek sun god Apollo (the actual origin of Feiwus is probably from the Lat in Vivus for Chaim, which is itself a medieval name derived from Judaeo -Spanish Jaime = James - Jacob. Feiwus is a kinnuim for Uri.

Tsiyon. Ben Zion = son of Zion. Benze is short for Ben Tzion, son of T zion (one of the 70 names of Jerusalem)
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Primary
Source Text: gate 36 Headstone reads: Yakov Ben-Zion bar Chiam Tzvi (in Hebrew)
Interment ABT 29 MAR 1948 Place: Forest Park, Cook, Illinois
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Primary
Source Text: gate 36 Headstone reads: Yakov Ben-Zion bar Chiam Tzvi (in Hebrew)
To Do    
To Do    

Attribute Details
Estate Indexes 1948-1951, Cook Co, Illinois
MOSKOVITZ, Jacob, docket: 474 page: 567 year:48P file: 4412
IL Cook Co Court House - Property
Source Text: docket 474, page 567, year 48P, file 4412
Residence 117 Newberry
IL Cook Co Superior Court
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois (researched 21 Oct 1982)
Jake Moskovitz, born 5 July 1888, arrived New York City, 1894
left Antwerp, Belgium, in Illinois for 6 years
occupation: tailor
address 117 Newberry, Chicago [note: 6 Newberry is now 1307 Newberry]
naturalization date 5 Sept 1904, born Lomza, Russia
witnesses: Sam Finkelman, 463 S Morgan, J Jacobson, 465 S Morgan
Residence 629 S 13th Ave
by May 1911 living at 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood [Rae born there]

IL Cook Co Court House - Births
Page: Rae's birth certificate     Quality: Primary
IL Cook Co Assessor's Office
Quality: Primary
Source Text: original house torn down: Property Index Number: 15-10-424-053-0000
Address: 629 S 13th Ave City: Maywood Township: Proviso
Neighborhood: 60 Age: 14 [build 1986]
Class: 2-34 Description: Split Level Residence with Lower Level Below G rade, All Ages, All Sizes
1910 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1910 IL census (T 12674?) R 271 IL M213 vol 023 ED 1542 line 0196
Cook, Proviso Twp, Maywood, 629 S 13th Ave
MASKOVITCH, Jake, white, age 30, born Rsa PrWr, citizen IL, arrived
1893, speaks Yiddish, owns own home, mortgaged
Eva, wife, age 21, born Rsa PrWr, arrived 1906
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_507 Page: 4A ED: 2923 Image: 0474
4 April 1930 : Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook, Illinois
629 S 13th Ave, dwelling 42, family 64
Residence 49 Willet Street
IL Cook Co Superior Court
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois (researched 21 Oct 1982)
Jake Moskovitz, born 5 July 1888, arrived New York City, 1894
left Antwerp, Belgium, in Illinois for 6 years
occupation: tailor
address 117 Newberry, Chicago [note: 6 Newberry is now 1307 Newberry]
naturalization date 5 Sept 1904, born Lomza, Russia
witnesses: Sam Finkelman, 463 S Morgan, J Jacobson, 465 S Morgan
IL Cook Co Court House -Divorces
Residence 1553 S Drake
Certificate of Naturalization
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Certificate of Naturalization (picture attached) No. OL-21,610
Application No. 11B-12515
age 53 sex: male color: white
complexion: medium color of eyes: hazel
color of hair: gray height: 5 feet 8 inches
weight: 185 pounds visble distinctive marks: none
marital status: married former nationality: Russia
Jake Moskowitz *
1553 South Drake Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
was naturalized by the Superior Court of Cook County, at Chicago,
Illinois, on October 1, 1904.
1 August forty-one sixty-sixth 21610
Residence 117 Newberry av
City Directory
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1903: page 1542: Jacob Muskowitz, lab, h 117 Newberry av
1904: page 1548: Jacob Muskowitz, lab, h 117 Newberry av
1905: page 1611: Jacob Muskowitz, lab, h 117 Newberry av
1906: no Jacob: Hyman Muskowitz, finisher, h 10 Washburne av
Source Notes:
now 1306 S Newberry: most buildings torn down in this area. Right near S t Francis RC Church
Occupation tailor
IN Lake Co marriages
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Crown Point Indiana, 9 Dec 1907
Jake Muskoetz (sic), tailor and Eva Popel, seamstress
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_507 Page: 4A ED: 2923 Image: 0474
4 April 1930 : Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook, Illinois
629 S 13th Ave, dwelling 42, family 64
1920 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1920 IL census index (M 1559 R 282) Vol 134 ED 194 Sheet 20 Line 1
629 - 13th Ave, Maywood, Proviso Twp, Cook Co IL
taken 14 Jan 1920 by Kathryn T Dremond
MUSKIVITZ, Jake, owns w/mortgage, age 40, arrived 1894, naturalized
1910, can r/w, born Russia of Russian Jewish parents, speaks english,
tailor in a ladies shop
WW I Draft Card
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Jacob Muskovitz, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, age 39, b 20 Aug 1 879, white, naturalized, tailor for Weinstock & Levy, 321 Adams Street, C hicago, Ill; Eva Muskovitz, wife, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, m edium height & build, browneyes, dark brown hair, Roll: 1504113 DraftB oard: 4
Occupation tailor for Weinstock & Levy, 321 Adams Street
WW I Draft Card
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Jacob Muskovitz, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, age 39, b 20 Aug 1 879, white, naturalized, tailor for Weinstock & Levy, 321 Adams Street, C hicago, Ill; Eva Muskovitz, wife, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, m edium height & build, browneyes, dark brown hair, Roll: 1504113 DraftB oard: 4
Physical Descrip. medium height & build, brown eyes, dark brown hair
WW I Draft Card
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Jacob Muskovitz, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, age 39, b 20 Aug 1 879, white, naturalized, tailor for Weinstock & Levy, 321 Adams Street, C hicago, Ill; Eva Muskovitz, wife, 629 S 13th Ave, Maywood, Cook, Ill, m edium height & build, brown eyes, dark brown hair, Roll: 1504113 Draft Board: 4
Possessions 629 S 13th Ave
Doc #3946301 date of instrument 29 Apr 1906 filed 29 Oct 1906
purchase of house form John Soffel

Doc #3946301, file # 9750 page 43, 1906
The INDENTURE witnesseth that the Grantor, Jake Moskowitz (sic), single , of Cook County, Illinoisa, for and in consideration of the sum of 100 0 dollars in hand paid conveys and warrants to John Soffel Trustee, of C ook Co, Illinois and to his sucessors in trust hereafter named the foll owing described real estate with the improvements thereon including all h eating, etc.
Lots 399 and 400 in Madison Street addition, a subdivisionin Sec 10, Tw p 39, NR12 E of the Third Pricinple Meridian. : 2 principle promissory n otes
1. for $200 due in 1 year with 6% per year interest paid March 29 and S ept 29
2. $800 due in 5 years at 6% interest 29 Sept 1906

Doc# 3998451 file# 9762 page 338, 1907
Jake Moskowsky (sic) to Lena Batkin -- Quit Claim
JAKE MOSKOWVTZ (sic), single of the Viollage of Maywood for $2000 conve ys and QC to Lena Batkin, of the village of Maywood. Lots 399 and 400 i n Madison Street addition, a subdivision in Sec 10, Twp 39, NR12 E of t he Third Pricinple Meridian. 5 Feb 1907
Date of instrument 25 Feb 1907 filed 5 March 1907

The house was repeatedly mortgaged and paid off.
In 1930, there was a conflict with the SUnbeam Heating Co that continue d until 1941 when the property was Quit Claim to Martha Moskovitz Spri nger.
Maywood condemed the property in 1967 but it wasn't cleared until 1974 a long with lots 397 & 398.
IL Cook Co Court House - Property
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Doc #3946301 date of instrument 29 Apr 1906 filed 29 Oct 1906
purchase of house form John Soffel

Doc #3946301, file # 9750 page 43, 1906:
Lots 399 and 400 in Madison Street addition, a subdivisionin Sec 10, Tw p 39, NR12 E of the Third Pricinple Meridian.
Name Source:
IN Lake Co marriages
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Crown Point Indiana, 9 Dec 1907
Jake Muskoetz (sic), tailor and Eva Popel, seamstress
Name Source:
1910 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1910 IL census (T 12674?) R 271 IL M213 vol 023 ED 1542 line 0196
Cook, Proviso Twp, Maywood, 629 S 13th Ave
MASKOVITCH, Jake, white, age 30, born Rsa PrWr, citizen IL, arrived
1893, speaks Yiddish, owns own home, mortgaged
Eva, wife, age 21, born Rsa PrWr, arrived 1906
Name Source:
Ellis Island Records
Quality: Primary
Source Text: arrived August 19, 1896 on ship Southwark from Antwerp, Belgium
Line 0136. Maszkiewicz, Chaim M 56y Russia
Line 0137. Maszkiewicz, Jankel M 18y 9m Russia
Line 0138. Maszkiewicz, Blume F 16y Russia
Line 0139. Maszkiewicz, Rachel F 9y Russia
Name Notes:
Maszkiewicz, Jankel
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006
Martha Moskovitz Springer 20 Oct 1980: Jacob had an older brother who
died in Russia of dyptheria when he was about 14 years old. Lena had
dyptheria at the same time.

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