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Individual Record for: Alec Noah Apel Bonnell (male)

  Michael Chad Brandon Bonnell       
Alec Noah Apel Bonnell      Family Record  
Darwin Roy Apel+
  Melanie Ann Apel      Family Record
    Carolann Elizabeth Davies

Event Date Details
Birth 19 SEP 2003 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Oh Happy Day! Oh Day of Joy! We have another BABY BOY!!! Alec Noah Apel B onnell was born on Tuesday, 16 September at 6:40 p.m. 7 lbs. 1.4 oz. 20 " Mom, Baby, Daddy, and Big Brother Hayden are all home and ... well, t ired. Alec came QUICKLY! We were at the hospital by 5:15 p.m. We were s till in the waiting area waiting to be CHECKED in triage when my water b roke at 5:30. Michael moved me to the chapel for some privacy (and for t he benefit of all the others in the waiting area!) and at 6:15 they cam e to get me. I was WAY past the point of needing my epidural. By the ti me they got me situated on the gurney to be checked, my OB took one loo k and said, "We're not going anywhere! Here it comes!" Four excruciatin g pushes later (no drugs on board, not even an IV) we welcomed Alec Noa h. My parents didn't arrive until 40 minutes later. Ah... let us once a gain hear a round of applause for the best laid plans. Alec is adorable a nd perfect and doesn't share one single feature with his big brother, a lthough there is a similarity in their appearance. We'll send out photo s shortly. Alec's Bris will be held on Tuesday, 23 September at 5:00pm, 3 45 W. Dickens, Chicago. All our love! Melanie, Michael, Hayden and Alec
Bonnell, Melanie Apel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Hebrew Name  
Abram Shalom = people of peace oin honor of Alan Davies, Carolann's bro ther
Yohannan in Celtic is Shaun, in honor of Shaun Dale

Associated Press : Posted on Mon, May. 26, 2003

Navy searches ship for missing sailor

NORFOLK, Va. - The Navy ended its search of the Atlantic Ocean Monday f or a sailor reported missing a day earlier but was still searching the s hip where he was last seen. The Navy said it was not ready to consider h im lost at sea.

Petty Officer 1st Class Shaun Dale failed to appear at a roll call 10 a .m. Sunday aboard the USS Nassau, and a search of the 833-foot amphibio us assault ship and the Atlantic waters began. Second Fleet spokesman C mdr. Ernest Duplessis said Monday that the USS Nassau has resumed cours e for North Carolina, where it was scheduled to disembark its contingen t of Marines from Camp Lejeune.

"The sea portion of the search has ended," Duplessis said. "We are cont inuing to search on board, and the sailor remains in a 'missing' status . "Hopefully, he will turn up," Duplessis said.

Just days earlier, another sailor fell overboard from the same ship and i s presumed dead. Petty Officer 3rd Class Dwayne Williams, 23, of Philad elphia, tripped and fell from the Nassau Friday while chasing a footbal l about 900 miles off the Virginia coast, officials said. The Navy had e nded its search Sunday without finding Williams' body. Duplessis said h e did not know how often sailors are lost at sea or how unusual it migh t be for two sailors to go missing from the same ship in such a short t ime.

According to statistics from the Naval Safety Center, four sailors had d ied in what the service calls "mishaps afloat" from October through May 2 1. During the previous federal fiscal year, five sailors died in such i ncidents. Still, the loss of Williams and disappearance of Dale was tak ing a toll on their shipmates. "It's devastating to us," Capt. Terry O' Brien said Monday on NBC's "Today" show. "We made it through the war su ccessfully," said O'Brien, commander of the amphibious ready group that i ncludes the Nassau and two other ships. "Coming back home after a succe ssful nine months deployment and then have this happen. But we've done e verything we can. We did an exhaustive search for both sailors." O'Brie n said that as soon as the ship's captain, Capt. Russell Tjepkema, was i nformed that Dale was missing, the ship "turned immediately around." O' Brien said it was possible Dale had been injured or incapacitated and w as still on the ship. O'Brien said that when Williams fell overboard, t he ship's crew responded quickly. "Something was thrown to him immediat ely," he said. "There was smoke and a life ring in the water within a m inute when he went over the side. A boat was on that position within fo ur to five minutes and we had a helicopter airborne within 10." Lt. Cmd r. Dave Werner, spokesman for the Atlantic Fleet, said Dale listed a ho me address as Newport News, Va. Dale's family had been notified of the s earch, Werner said. Williams' mother, Betty Williams, wanted more infor mation from military officials. "I'm not satisfied with the way the mil itary handled telling me how he had passed. It wasn't done in a respect able way," she said. "They (are) making it sound like he was up on top o f the deck messing around." The Nassau, delayed by a few hours by the s earch for the two sailors, was expected to return to its home port of N orfolk later in the week.

Bonnell, Melanie Apel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Alec's Bris will be held on Tuesday, 23 September at 5:00pm, 345 W. Dic kens, Chicago.
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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