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Individual Record for: Darwin Roy Apel (male)

    Labe Appel+
  George Apel      Family Record
Darwin Roy Apel      Family Record Etta Mark
Joseph Henry Miller+
  Helene Mildred Miller      Family Record
    Franzelia Cotton+

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
Carolann Elizabeth Davies
  (Family Record)
Melanie Ann Apel
Mindy Suzanne Apel

Event Date Details
Birth 22 APR 1927 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Apel, Helene Miller
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Apel, Helene Miller
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Census 14 APR 1930 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_461 Page: 24A ED: 1004 Image: 0049
Chicago, Cook, Illinois, ward 29, block 323, tract 372, pct 55 & 56
apartment house 4313-4327 Lexington Street
4319 Lexington Street, Chicago: 14 April 1930, dwelling 152, family 457
Apel, George, head, rents, $57.50, male, white, 33, married, age 22 mar ried, lit, b IL, parents b Russia, milk driver for milk wagon, wages, e mployed, veteran in WW
Helen, wife, 29, age 19 married, lit, b IL, parents b Russia
Lawrence, son, 9, in school, b IL
Joy, dau, 7, in school, b IL
Darwin R, son, 2, not in school, b IL
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_461 Page: 24A ED: 1004 Image: 0049
Chicago, Cook, Illinois, ward 29, block 323, tract 372, pct 55 & 56
apartment house 4313-4327 Lexington Street
4319 Lexington Street, Chicago: 14 April 1930, dwelling 152, family 457
Apel, George, head, rents, $57.50, male, white, 33, married, age 22 mar ried, lit, b IL, parents b Russia, milk driver for milk wagon, wages, e mployed, veteran in WW
Helen, wife, 29, age 19 married, lit, b IL, parents b Russia
Lawrence, son, 9, in school, b IL
Joy, dau, 7, in school, b IL
Darwin R, son, 2, not in school, b IL
Illness OCT 2005 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
2 Oct 2005

apologize for this "bulk" email... I don't have time right now for indi viduals...
My dad is in the hospital with a mitral valve prolapse (heart thing -- m akes very loud heartbeat) and since my parenst were on holiday in Oak B rook when it happened he is at Good Samaritan hosp, which is WAY far aw ay. This would be no big deal except he will most likely need surgery a nd it's not like we can be back & forth in 20 minutes like if he were a t Rush. But they won't move him cuz of the Jewish Holiday (which I gues s means not much would be done for him in the Jewish hospital, which is a bsolutely inexcusable, in my book!). He feels fine, no pain, and sounds f ine. Just happened out of the blue. Two of his good friends have had th is and they are here to tell, which gives me much hope! Cross your fing ers for me... for my dad...
And of course, this all comes on the heels of Hayden's recent hospital s tay... I thought I would welcome the end of summer and the advent of fa ll this year... How wrong I was...
Feel free to call or email if you want/need more details. If anything h appens, tho, I will be in touch.
Thank you all in advance for your good thoughts.
Love, Melanie
5 Oct 2005

Again, my apologies for the bulk email and my thanks to those of you wh o have called and emailed and sent cards and offered amazing things...
Dad is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning around 6:00. I don't thin k they know yet whether they will repair or replace the leaky, ripped v alve. Mom and Mindy will be there, but I do not have childcare for 5:00 a.m. (and even if I did, I cannot fathom the horror Alec would feel to a waken and find someone other than myself here ... I'd NEVER get him to g o to sleep again!) so I will be following our regular routine. Hayden w ill be dropped off at his friend Payton's house after his class at FasT racKids and I will head with Alec up tot he hospital to be there at noo n when the surgeon plans to come out and talk to us.
I just talked to my dad and he is in good spirits. He is tired and has b een given a sedative to help him sleep. Following surgery he will be in t he ICU for a day or so then he will return to the regular floor and hav e a series of OT, PT and other therapies to make sure that he is able t o get up and walk, eat, pee, etc. and do all other normal functions. He s hould come home next Monday or Tuesday.
I know he is nervous, but I reminded him that his getting thru surgery i s his choice and I reminded him of the lessons he learned from his very b rave and strong brother and sister who battled their own illnesses with c ourage, strength and dignity, and with a positive state of mind.
And, because I can't live without him I made him promise what Alec alwa ys tells me: "Don't Leave. Me."
He is at Rush downtown. I don't have the number, but you can call me at h ome or on my cell or email if you need to. Otherwise I will update tomo rrow or Friday. Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts. I know t hese things happen, but I am still naive enough, even after everything, t o think that they happen to "other people."
Love, Melanie
6 Oct 2005
Again, thank you for your calls and cards and offers of help. These mea n so much to all of us.
I finally got in to see my dad tonight. All I can say is thank goodness I h ave medical experience because it's not so nice to see your father all t aped and tubed and on a ventilator, barely able to open his eyes... But h e did open them and he mouthed the words, "I love you" and according to M ichael, who came with me to see him and also to make sure the ventilato r was working right, he is doing great. All of his number s are wonderf ul (heart rate, blood pressure, and a bunch of other things that wouldn 't mean much to you all, but are signes he is doing well).
So, here's the scoop... He went in for surgery at 6:30 a.m. By noon he w as out. They had to replace the valve with cow tissue (so we expect him t o wake up mooing!)... They tried two ways to repair instead but they co uld only do a good job and good wasn't good enough. So in order to make i t excellent they had to replace. He will not need coumadin (blood thinn er) or antirejection drugs, thank goodness! Both of these would have be en a huge problem with the cancers. So he got off the heart/lung machin e and they sewed him up and he should be in ICU til Saturday and then o n the floor where he will receive OT and PT and get well enuf to come h ome on Tuesday.
I don't know if I have covered everything... It's been a long day, and I h ad to shuttle Hayden all around and then run back and forth between the h ospital and everything else and let's not make it all worse, but I have a n infection in my face! So I basically feel liekcrap today. Tomorrow th ings should be better all around.
Feel free to call if you need to or want to. If I don't return your cal l, rest assured that I will have an email update at the end of the day. P lease sahre my email with those whom you think I may have missed (or wh ose emails I don't have).
Thank you again for caring!
Love, Melanie
7 Oct 2005
So... my dad was taken off the ventilator this morning sometime before 8 :00. When I got here he was drinking juice and joking with the nurses a nd looking a lot like the old dad I know and love. A bit tired of cours e, but he was back to being Dad.
Later in the morning he started having atrial fibrilations. This pretty m uch means that part of his heart is not beating quite in sync with the r est of his heart. But apparently this happens 50% of the time in cases s uch as his. His heart rate was normal so when I left (the 1st time) the y were waiting for the cardiologist consult.
He was moved to his own room this afternoon, out of the ICU. PT guy cam e in and made him stand up, march in place, etc. and once again, Dad pa ssed with flying colors. Oh, most of the tubes and wires were pulled th is morning, too. I can't remember if he still has the chest tubes, but I d on't recall seeing them when he stood up, so I think they are gone. He h as an IV in each arm and oxygen via nasal cannula, and a temporary pace maker... to a little guy like Alec he still looked a bit scary. Tropper t hat my 2-year-old is, he abruptly changed the subject and pointed out t o his GrandDad that he was dressed and wearing shoes! Leave it to the l ittle one to bring a little levity to the situation.
Meanwhile... the recovery seems to be going well. I am impressed, actua lly, because I know what these blokes look like usually when they get o ut of heart surgery and I have to say, Dad doesn't look half bad. There i s a risk of stroke from... medicine or something, I'm not sure... but I t hink let's just not go there right now. He may likely be home on Tuesda y if all goes well. He will have to be evaluated for his ability to cli mb our front stairs. Oh, and of interesting note, apparently this was n ot an acute situation. Something has been wrong for several (six?) mont hs and was for some reason not looked into. I can't be angry about this c uz it likely would not have changed the outcome and may have in fact ma de things worse if my dad had known he had a heart problem on top of hi s cancers. ...sigh...
I will continue to send a nightly update until it seems no longer neces sary. Please let me know if you have any questions. And please let me k now if I am boring you to sleep and no longer wish to receive these (I w ill not be offended). Also, I apologize for the length of this. I am ju st writing it all out, journal style, and keeping it for record.
Thanks again to all who have expressed concern. Oh, and the face infect ion I have... let's just say I may think twice about any future zit squ eezing!
Love, Melanie

Bonnell, Melanie Apel
Quality: Secondary
Apel, Helene Miller
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Apel, Helene Miller
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Misc 12 APR 1997 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
dinner at the Veronica Restaurant, 1335 W Wrightwood, 6pm surprise birt hday party.
Guests included Jeff, Denise and Kate Moskovitz, Joy Moskovitz, June Fo ss, Marvin, Sybil and Marv Kane, Carol Apel, Melanie and Richard Gordon , Mindy Apel and other long-time friends of Darwin's. Thank you card i n BOX 1
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Misc 11 OCT 2005
from Melanie:
11 Oct 2005
So sorry for the lack of recent updates... there just hasn't been much n ews. Dad is doing well... he walked up and down some stairs today and h as been cleared to come home by everyone but the hematologist. This doc tor wants to have his blood numbers back up (I can't remember which one m y mom said, but something is low...). Otherwise, tired and sore and wea k but ready to bust out of that joint. Hopefully tomorrow!
Thank you to all of you who have called and emailed. Please accept my a pologies if I have been negligent in returning calls and emails... with n o help with the little boys I have been in a constant state of overwhel medness (is that a word?). Some days start out well, like today did, an d then we get round one of the temper tantrums and then it's all down-h ill from there. other days start out with crying and can only get bette r (in my dreams) from there. Anyway, my infected face is much better an d all I am left with is a bump the size of a small golf ball beside my l eft eye. I still have a cold but that's the least of everything to worr y about. Hayden saw the MD yesterday and they decided to wait on chest X -ray and antibiotics because he was playing so actively in the office. H e still has a bad cough tho. I did at least manage to get my manuscript e dited and off to the editor this morning. Hurray!
I hope this finds you well. Feel free to call (but don't be offended if a c all isn't returned promptly). Hope to see you all when things calm down a l ittle!

12 Oct 2005
Hello, everyone,
Hopefully tonight will be my last hospital update on my dad. He is set t o come home tomorrow sometime. I will continue to keep you posted, but n ot with such regularity. I will just assume he will get better and resu me life as usual in a few weeks or so (I hope, anyway).
His doctor kept him an extra night this time to help him reduce some of t he water he is retaining. He gained about 14 lbs. in water and has not l ost it all yet, despite peeing every 20 minutes all night. (So much for s leeping!) He has a rash on his back from the bed linens... Yep, it's ti me to get the guy home! Hayden has plans to go rescue GrandDad from the h ospital!
Meanwhile, Alec has come down with "goopy eyes," which Hayden had almos t 2 weeks ago. At least I don't have to buy another prescription cuz th ere's enuf left, so now I am back to squeezing eye drops into the sore e yes of a reluctant toddlers 4x a day for the next 10 days. And because w e just don't have quite enough drama over here, I hurt my back lifting H ayden this morning (don't ask why 90 lbs. of me is still lifting 36 lbs . of him -- he doesn't realize I am too small to be the mommy of anyone o ver 18 months old!). The pain took my breath away not once but several t imes this morning as I tried to go about our routine and get the kids t o French class. Needless to say, we stayed home today.
Hebrew Name  
Moskovitz, Joy Apel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Moskovitz, Joy Apel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary

Attribute Details
Residence 345 W Dickens
Lot description: Sec. 33-40-14 Canal Trustees Sub of N 1/2 N1/2SE and E 1/2 SW1/4 Kuhn's Subdiv Blk 31 Lot E1/2 of Sublot 4. Rec Aug 31, 1848. R eRec Sept 24, 1877. Ante-Fire Doc # 151621::: E 25 ft of lot 4 in the s ubdiv of the N 81.84 ft of Blk 31 in Canal Trustee's Subdiv of Sec 33 T wsp 40N Range 14E of the prime meridian

Doc# 23051937 Darwin R Apel & wife mortgage to Uptown Federal Savings L oan dated 15 April 1975

Property Index Number: 14-33-207-023-0000
Address: 345 W Dickens Ave
City: Chicago Township: North Chicago
Neighborhood: 14 Age: 117 [1883]
Class: 2-11 Description: Two to Six Apartments, Over 62 Years
1999 : Board of Review Certified
Land 14,720
Building 27,269
Total 41,989
Estimated Market Value 262,431

2000 First Pass Assessment
Land 14,720
Building 49,908
Total 64,628
Estimated Market Value 403,925

Residence Type Two Story
Use Multi Family
Apartments Two
Exterior Construction Masonry
Full Baths 2
Half Baths 1
Basement*1 Full and Unfinished
Attic None
Central Air No
Number of Fireplaces 0
Garage Size/Type*2 None
Building Square Footage: 3,241
Land Square Footage 2,050
Assessment Pass First Pass
*1 Excluded from Building Square footage, except apartment
*2 Excluded from Building Square footage
IL Cook Co Assessor's Office
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Property Index Number: 14-33-207-023-0000
Address: 345 W Dickens Ave City: Chicago Township: North Chicago
Neighborhood: 14 Age: 117 [1883]
Christmas / Hanukkah Card
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Mindy Apel : 541 W Wrightwood : Chicago, IL 60614
Residence 1651 W Jonquil Terrace
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Reg # 16463, year 1963
George Apel, 1616 W Farwell Ave, Chicago, 5 March 1963, age 65
Residence 4319 Lexington Street
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_461 Page: 24A ED: 1004 Image: 0049
Chicago, Cook, Illinois, ward 29, block 323, tract 372, pct 55 & 56
apartment house 4313-4327 Lexington Street
4319 Lexington Street, Chicago: 14 April 1930, dwelling 152, family 457
Apel, George, head, rents, $57.50, male, white, 33, married, age 22 mar ried, lit, b IL, parents b Russia, milk driver for milk wagon, wages, e mployed, veteran in WW
Helen, wife, 29, age 19 married, lit, b IL, parents b Russia
Lawrence, son, 9, in school, b IL
Joy, dau, 7, in school, b IL
Darwin R, son, 2, not in school, b IL
Apel, Darwin Roy
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Lived at Roosevelt and Harding, above a tavern and next to Becker's Ba kery. The living room was over the tavern, which closed at 2am. Darwin' s bedroom was over the stairs.
The trolly ended at Pulaski with the final turn-around at 3am.
1444 S Keeler: there for 7 years. Attended Bryant School on Kedvale. Al so lived at: 14th & Springfield, Roosevelt & Springfield, 13th & Avers
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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