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Individual Record for: Richard Katz (male)

  Morton Katz       
Richard Katz      Family Record  
Morris L Bloom
  Marilyn Bloom      Family Record
    Goldie Cotton+

Spouse Children
Julia Spencer
  (Family Record)

Attribute Details
Residence 6967 N Ashland, 60626, 973-4336
Address Book
Page: Denise Moskovitz     Quality: Primary
Residence 2010 Hassel Rd
Address Book
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 2010 Hassel rd, Hoffman Estates IL 60172, 312.882.0475
Source Notes:
Part of the Rose Cotton Family Club, therefore somehow related on the C otton side.
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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Last changed 2 OCT 2004
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