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Individual Record for: Marilyn Bloom (female)

  Morris L Bloom       
Marilyn Bloom      Family Record  
Joseph Cotton+
  Goldie Cotton      Family Record
    Rose Bremer

Spouse Children
Morton Katz
  (Family Record)
Howard Katz
Richard Katz
Debra Katz
Maurice Kaplan
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 17 DEC 1922
Social Security has birth as 17 Dec 1922
Bloom, Goldie Cotton
Quality: Primary
Source Text: {Dec 1982} Goldie born 1897, fa Joseph Cotton, mo Rose
Married 1922 to Morris Bloom. Children: Beverly married ? WOLFF.
Son Joseph married Shari SOLOMON in 1968.
Marilyn married Morton KATZ and Maury KAPLAN in 1973.
Children from 1st marriage: Howard married Susan HOLCOLM in 1974.
Son Jordon born 1979, Richard married Julia SPENCER in 1980, Debra.
Social Security Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: MARILYN KAPLAN Born 17 Dec 1922 Died Jul 1977
Residence: Last Benefit: 60641 Chicago, Cook, IL
SSN 329-16-2672 Issued: IL (Before 1951)
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Roll: T626_422 Page: 9B ED: 199 Image 0952
9 April 1930, 5141 Drexel Avenue, dwelling 43, family 155
Bloom, Morris, head, rents $65, has radio, 36, married age 29, lit, b R ussia of Russian parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1910, naturalized, groce r in his own store, not a veteran
Goldie, wife, 33, married age 24, b IL of Russian parents
Beverly, dau, 6, in school, b IL
Marilyn, dau, 1 2/12, b IL
Death JUL 1977 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Social Security Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: MARILYN KAPLAN Born 17 Dec 1922 Died Jul 1977
Residence: Last Benefit: 60641 Chicago, Cook, IL
SSN 329-16-2672 Issued: IL (Before 1951)
Census 9 APR 1930 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Roll: T626_422 Page: 9B ED: 199 Image 0952
9 April 1930, 5141 Drexel Avenue, dwelling 43, family 155
Bloom, Morris, head, rents $65, has radio, 36, married age 29, lit, b R ussia of Russian parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1910, naturalized, groce r in his own store, not a veteran
Goldie, wife, 33, married age 24, b IL of Russian parents
Beverly, dau, 6, in school, b IL
Marilyn, dau, 1 2/12, b IL

Attribute Details
Residence 3143 Doriann, 60062
Address Book
Page: Denise Moskovitz     Quality: Primary
Residence 5141 Drexel Avenue
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Roll: T626_422 Page: 9B ED: 199 Image 0952
9 April 1930, 5141 Drexel Avenue, dwelling 43, family 155
Bloom, Morris, head, rents $65, has radio, 36, married age 29, lit, b R ussia of Russian parents speaking Yiddish, imm 1910, naturalized, groce r in his own store, not a veteran
Goldie, wife, 33, married age 24, b IL of Russian parents
Beverly, dau, 6, in school, b IL
Marilyn, dau, 1 2/12, b IL
Soc. Sec. No. 329-16-2672 Issued: IL (Before 1951)
Social Security Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: MARILYN KAPLAN Born 17 Dec 1922 Died Jul 1977
Residence: Last Benefit: 60641 Chicago, Cook, IL
SSN 329-16-2672 Issued: IL (Before 1951)
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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