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Individual Record for: Simon Cotton (male)

     Nickname: Scotty

    Aberhaus Cotton
  Meyer Cotton      Family Record
Simon Cotton      Family Record Mary Meyerowitz+

Event Date Details
Death AFT JUN 1967
Chicago Tribune Historical Archive
Page: Record Number: 19670306dn061     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Hyman D. Cotton of 6618 N. Seeley avenue, beloved husband of Lillian [L ibbye], nee Park; dear father of Meyer [Mike], Harold, and Marily Chank in; loving father-in-law of Alberta Cotton, Margaret Cotton, and Willia m Chankin; loving grandfather of Suzanne and Gary Chankin, Lee, Mark, L isa, and Daniel Cotton; fond brother of Simon, Isadore, Jack, and the l ate Toby Schwage, all of Manchester, England. Services Tiesday, 1 p.m., a t Piser Memorial Chapel, 5206 Broadway. Interment Jewish Waldheim. Plea se omit flowers. Memorials may be made to the Leukemia Foundation. Frie nds are asked to pay their respects at the time of the services. Member o f Rogers Park post of American Legion; life member of chapter No. 002 o f Disabled Amer. Veterans. LO 1-4740.

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