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Individual Record for: Sherwin Stein (male)

  Maurice J Stein       
Sherwin Stein      Family Record  
Joseph Henry Miller+
  Gertrude Miller      Family Record
    Franzelia Cotton+

Spouse Children
Muriel Fox
  (Family Record)
Florence Greenberg
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 8 JUN 1919 Place: Illinois
Census 15 JAN 1920 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1920 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: S350 116-2143-17-81 reel 353
1920 IL census taken 15 Jan 1920 by Solomon Mayerson
3935 W 13th house 125 family 310
STEIN, Morris, head, rents, male, white, age 30, married, arrived 1885 ( sic) , nat?, can r/w, born Russia of Russian parents, speaks Yiddish, p rinter at a publishing co, worker
Gertrude, wife, female, white, age 31, married, can r/w, born Illinois o f Russian parents, speaks Yiddish, housekeeper
Stanley, son, male, white, age 3 7/12, single
Sherwin, son, male, white, age 7/12, single
Arthur, son, male, white, age 7/12, single
MILLER, Florence, SiL, female, white, age 28, single, can r/w, born Ill inois of Russian parents, speaks Yiddish, clerk in millinery
MILLER, Esther, SiL, female, white, age 27, single, can r/w, born Illin ois of Russian parents, speaks Yiddish, operator at compton pr(?)
HOFFENBERG, Nettie, L, female, white, age 20, single, can r/w, born Mas s of Russian parents, bookkeeper on commission
Military Servic 1942 Place: Fort Leonardwood, Missouri
Stein, Sherwin
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: postcards dated 29 Jan 1942 "in hospital for chronic sinus" and dated 1 4 Feb 1942 "leaving hospital' from Sherwin at Fort Leonardwood MO to p arents
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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