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Individual Record for: Ruth Borinstein (female)

  Louis Borinstein       
Ruth Borinstein      Family Record  
Joseph Henry Miller+
  Kate Miller      Family Record
    Franzelia Cotton+

Spouse Children
Max Kahn
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth BEF JUL 1913
Stein, Sherwin
Quality: Primary
Source Text: postcards dated between 13 July and 23 July from Esther, who was visiti ng Kate & Lou & Ruthie in Indidanapolis IN, to various family members: G ert, Abe, Flo, Ma, Annie. In letter to Annie:" I am twice glad that Ma w alks around. You can start to take piano lessons if you want." "Love to M a, Abe and everybody else at home."
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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