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Individual Record for: Helena Hackbarth (female)

Helena Hackbarth         

Spouse Children
August John Pagel
  (Family Record)
Eric Karl Hermann Pagel

Event Date Details
Birth 12 FEB 1874 Place: Gervin, Kr Kolberg, Pommern, Preussen [Go'rawino, Koszalinskie, Polonia]
WI Milwaukee Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: year 1938 document 5722 license 3533 25 August 1938
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Helena born 12 Feb 1867
Source Notes:
year probably very wrong
Death 25 AUG 1938 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WI Milwaukee Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: year 1938 document 5722 license 3533 died 25 August 1938
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Aug 1990> When Helena was dying, August, his sons and Eric L went to th e local tavern. August even gave Eric L a beer (he was 12). When they r eturned home, they were told that Helena had died. Eric C and Gerhard h ad not been talking to each other for years. Helena's death got them ba ck together again.
Immigrat'n 28 APR 1901 Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: August's family stopped in Chicago on the way to Milwaukee to see Augus t's uncle, who owned a hardware store.
LDS 1402534 Passenger List
Quality: Primary
Source Text: left Antwerp on 11 April 1901 on SS Switzerland; arrived Philadelphia P A on 26 April 1901
Pagel, August, 32, male, married, laborer, last residence Hohendrosedow , Pommern, going to Milwaukee, born German, Pommern, speaks German, sub ject of Germany
Helene 27; Franz 5; Erich 3; Elsie 9 months.
Ehmke, August, 35, male, married, laborer, last residence Neu Zeppelin, P ommern, going to Milwaukee, born German, Pommern, speaks German, subjec t of Germany;
Mathide 33; Martha 14; Richard 6; Elizabeth 5; Helene 4; Margarethe 3; E rnst 1 1/2; Willie 6 months
Going to home of William Hackbarth at 2224 Lloyd Street, Milwaukee WI
Nat'rlized 5 JUN 1938
Oberlander, Janice Pagel
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Helena got her citizenship on her own just before she died.
WI Milwaukee Historical Society Naturalization
Quality: Primary
Source Text: naturalized 5 Jun 1938
Census 1905 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1905 WI State Census Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Milwaukee, ward 9, pct 6, page 2232 & 2233
Pagel August, age 36
Pagel Helen, age 31
Pagel Frank, age 9
Pagel Erich, age 8
Pagel Elsie, age 5
Pagel Gerhardt, age 2
Pagel Max, age 7 months
Census 2 JAN 1920 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1920 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1920 WI census Roll: T625_2003 Page: 2A ED: 235 Image: 0681
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1079 24th Street, dwelling 22, family 30, 2 Jan 1920
Pagel, August, head, owns with mortgage, male, white, 50, married, imm 1 899, petitioned, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks German, laborer with railro ad
Helen (sic), wife, 46, imm 1899, alien, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks Germ an
Frank, son, 24, single, imm 1899, alien, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks Ger man, machine helper in auto (service)
Eric, son, 22, single, imm 1899, alien, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks Germ an, shopwork deparment store
Elsie, dau, 19, single, imm 1899, alien, not in school, can r/w, b Pomm ern, speaks German, (salesperson?)
Gerhardt, son, 17, single, can r/w, not in school, b WI, machine helper i n auto (service)
Max, son, 15, single, in school, can r/w, b WI
Census 15 APR 1930 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1930 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Roll: T626_2594 Page: 21A ED: 2 44 Image: 0370 :: 15 April 1930, 1079 W 24th Street
- dwelling 22, family 32
Pagel, August, head, owns $3000, has radio, male, white, 61, married as 2 7, can r/w, b Germany of German parents speaking German, imm 1910 (sic) , petition, can speak English, laborer in railroad shop for wages, not a v eteran
Helen, wife, 56, married age 21, not in school, can r/w, b Germany of G erman parents speaking German, imm 1910 (sic), alien
- dwelling 22, family 33
Pagel, Gerhardt, head, rents, $39, has radio, 27, married age 22, not i n school, can r/w, b WI of German parents, printer in corrugating mfr f or wage, not a veteran
Grace, wife, 23, married age 18, not in school, can r/w, b WI, fa b MI, m o b Germany
Janice, dau, 4, not in school, b WI, fa b WI, mo B WI
Census 15 APR 1930 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1930 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Roll: T626_2594 Page: 21A ED: 244 I mage: 0370
15 Apr 1930, 1079 W 24th Street, dwelling 22, family 32
Pagel, August, head, owns $3000, radio, 61, married age 27, lit, b Germ any of German parents, speaks German, imm 1910, petitioned, can speak E nglish, laborer in railroad shop for wages, not a veteran
Helen, wife, 56, married age 21, lit, b Germany of German parents, spea ks German, imm 1910, alien, can speak English
- family 33
Pagel, Gerhardt, head, rents $39, radio, 27, married age 22, lit, b WI o f German parents
Grace, wife, 23, married age 18, lit, b WI of Germany parents
Janice, dau, 4, b WI of WI parents
Census 23 APR 1910 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1910 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 23 Apr 1910, Milwaukee WI Ward 22, district 4
696 25th, dwelling 210, family 305
Burial 27 AUG 1938 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WI Milwaukee, Valhalla Cemetery
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Valhalla Cemetery (Wanderer's Rest) office
Section L, Lot 280
Interment 27 AUG 1938 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WI Milwaukee, Valhalla Cemetery
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Valhalla Cemetery (Wanderer's Rest) office
Section L, Lot 280
Helena 1874-1938, burial Aug 27, 1938
August John 1869-1950, burial Aug 24, 1950
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: When Grandmother was dying, all the men went to the tavern across the s treet (Eric L was allowed to go with them). They all stayed there until s omeone came to tell them that Helena was gone. Grandmother was laid out i n her house. We went to the Church after the funeral. It was a Lutheran C hurch on a triangle corner. The Rev talked about Christmas trees, which I r emembered because it was not the Christmas season.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Aug 1990> Helena didn't like maple walnut ice cream.
Oberlander, Janice Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Helene kept geese under the sink until she was ready to butcher them. W hen Janice was very little, Gerhardt, Gracie and Janice lived with Augu st and Helene. Janice remembers having to be careful when she walked in to the kitchen to stay away from the sink or the geese would peck at he r.

Helena wore glasses in her later years. She was naturalized as a citize n in her own right just before she died. She was very proud that she di d it.

Attribute Details
Residence 1079 W 24th
City Directory
WI Milw 1927 City Directory : Paprocki
Page: 1927 Milwaukee City Directory : Paprocki     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel, August (Helen) Lab r 1079 W 24th
Eric (Celia) stockman r 1079 W 24th
Gerhardt A (Grace) printer r 1079 W 24th
Max r 1079 W 24th
Wodke, Walter (Elsie) mech h 1149-27th
Residence 1079 W 24th Street
1930 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Roll: T626_2594 Page: 21A ED: 244 I mage: 0370
15 Apr 1930, 1079 W 24th Street, dwelling 22, family 32
Pagel, August, head, owns $3000, radio, 61, married age 27, lit, b Germ any of German parents, speaks German, imm 1910, petitioned, can speak E nglish, laborer in railroad shop for wages, not a veteran
Helen, wife, 56, married age 21, lit, b Germany of German parents, spea ks German, imm 1910, alien, can speak English
- family 33
Pagel, Gerhardt, head, rents $39, radio, 27, married age 22, lit, b WI o f German parents
Grace, wife, 23, married age 18, lit, b WI of Germany parents
Janice, dau, 4, b WI of WI parents
Residence 696 25th
1910 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 23 Apr 1910, Milwaukee WI Ward 22, district 4
696 25th, dwelling 210, family 305
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006
Janice Pagel Oberlander remembers that her grandmother kept caged geese u nder the kitchen sink until she was ready to slaughter them. Jan had to b e careful in the kitchen not to get nipped by them.

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