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Individual Record for: Eric Karl Hermann Pagel (male)

  August John Pagel       
Eric Karl Hermann Pagel      Family Record  
  Helena Hackbarth       

Spouse Children
Cecelia Marcella Pauline Paprocki
  (Family Record)
Eric Laurence Pagel

Event Date Details
Birth 22 JUL 1897 Place: Kirchhagen, Greifenberg, Pommern, Preussen [Konarzewo, Koszalinskie, Polonia]
Kirchhagen parish includes villages of Eiersberg, Fischerkaten, Hohendr esow, Krakenkrup, Lensin, Mittelhagen, Vockenhagen

Current town name: Konarzewo, Poland (54.07 N 15.04 E)
German birth certificate prepared in Eirsberg, Prussia, prior to family 's departure from Holhendresdow. In possesion of Denise Pagel Moskovit z.
from Meyers Ort: Kirchhagen (Wachholzhagen) Df. Preuss, RB Stettin, Kr G reifenberg UC Treptow aR., P Hohendrosedow, 243 EV, ev Psarak (A28,2, W 21,Mk)
German Name Kirchhagen Today's Name Konarzewo
Location North 54›04' East 15›07'
Kreis/County Greifenberg Today's Province Szczecinskie
German Province Pommern
Location Description This village/town is located 3.6 km and 129 degree s from Horst, which is known today as Niechorze
Lutheran Parish Kirchhagen 1905
Catholic Parish Kolberg, Stadt 1905
Standesamt/Civil Registry Kirchhagen 1905
Gemeindelexikon/Town Index IV-8-33
German Name Kirchhagen Today's Name Konarzewo
Location North 54›08' East 15›25'
Kreis/County Greifenberg Today's Province Koszalinskie
German Province Pommern
Location Description This village/town is located 2.8 km and 166 degree s from Deep, which is known today as Dzwirzyno

Prussian birth certificate
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Prussian birth certificate prepared by civil registrar in Eirsberg, Pru ssia (now Skladno,Poland)
Social Security Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: PAGEL, ERIC 388-05-0424 (WI) b. 22 Jul 1897 d. Jul 1966 lr. 53074 (Port W ashington, Ozaukee, WI)
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
WI Milwaukee, Friedens Gemeinde Church
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Konfirmanden, Palm Sonntag 9 April 1911: Knaben
#12 Pagel Eddie (sic) Carl Hermann born 22 Juli 1897
Death 25 JUL 1966 Place: Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin
Place of death 1563 Scott Road, Port Washington, Ozaukee Co., WI. DOA a t St Alphonsus Hospital. Date of death: 25 July 1966. male, white, amrr ied, birth 22 July 1897. Age 69, born Wisconsin (sic) occupation: stock c hecker in a retail store. Father: August Pagel. Mother: Helen Hackbarth . Military? No SS# 388-05-0424. Informant Mrs. Cecelia Pagel, wife, age 5 9. Cause: cardiac arrest due to myocardial infarction due to coronary a rteriosclerosis. Doctor attended from 2 July 1965 to 9 March 1966. Last s aw 9 March 1966. Death occured at 7:30 pm. Doctor W A Corcoran, Jr., 10 0 Monroe, Port Washington WI. Burial 28 July 1966, St. Mary's Cemetery, P ort Washington, WI. Undertaker: Poole Funeral Home, 203 N Wisconsin St, P ort Washington WI. Registered 27 July 1966.
Social Security Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: PAGEL, ERIC 388-05-0424 (WI) b. 22 Jul 1897 d. Jul 1966 lr. 53074 (Port W ashington, Ozaukee, WI)
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
WI Ozaukee Co Court House
Page: vol 25 (of deaths) page 384 dated 10 Aug 1966     Quality: Primary
Source Text: died intestate 25 July 1966, filed 6 Sept 1966
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Eric died whil watching wresting on TV.
Confirmation 9 APR 1911 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WI Milwaukee, Friedens Gemeinde Church
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Konfirmanden, Palm Sonntag 9 April 1911: Knaben
#12 Pagel Eddie (sic) Carl Hermann born 22 Juli 1897
Immigrat'n 28 APR 1901 Place: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
via SS Bohemia
Naturalization application
Page: for Eric Carl Pagel, worksheet dated 21 Sept 1948     Quality: Primary
LDS 1402534 Passenger List
Quality: Primary
Source Text: left Antwerp on 11 April 1901 on SS Switzerland; arrived Philadelphia P A on 26 April 1901
Pagel, August, 32, male, married, laborer, last residence Hohendrosedow , Pommern, going to Milwaukee, born German, Pommern, speaks German, sub ject of Germany
Helene 27; Franz 5; Erich 3; Elsie 9 months.
Ehmke, August, 35, male, married, laborer, last residence Neu Zeppelin, P ommern, going to Milwaukee, born German, Pommern, speaks German, subjec t of Germany;
Mathide 33; Martha 14; Richard 6; Elizabeth 5; Helene 4; Margarethe 3; E rnst 1 1/2; Willie 6 months
Going to home of William Hackbarth at 2224 Lloyd Street, Milwaukee WI
Nat'rlized 22 JAN 1952 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
date 20 July 1921
Eric Page, age 23, clerk, white, fair complexion, 5 ft 6 in, 140 lbs, b lond hair, gray eyes, no marks born in Germany on 22 July 1897. Reside a t 1079 W 24th St, Milwaukee WI. Emigrated from Antwerp Belgium on Switz erland. Last residence Berlin, Germany. Not married. Arrived Philadelph ia PA on 28 April 1901. Entered with Clerk of US District Court East Di strict of WI.

date 21 Sept 1948
Eric Carl Herman Pagel at 2309 East Price Street, Cuadhy, Milwaukee, Wi sconsin. Arrive through Philadelphia, PA on 28 April 1901 on vessel Swi tzerland as a passenger. Born in Stettin (sic) Germany on 22 July 1897. F ather: August Pagel, mother: Helen Hackbarth. last foreign residence: B erlin, Germany (sic). Left from Antwerp, Belgium. Traveled with parents " to mothers fokes" in Milwaukee. Traved with father, mother, brother Fra nk and sister Elise (sic). My wife is not of foreign birth and became a c itizen by birth. Was you father ever a citizen: No; Did you register f or the Alien registration act of 1940: Yes; registration # 5938583. Did y ou fill out this form yourself? Yes.
Occupation: Stock checker; age: 51;color: white; complexion: fair; eyes : grey; hair: graying; height 5 ft 6 inches; wieght 165 lbs; no marks; r ace: white. Married 19 Sept 1925 to Cecelia Marsalla Paprocki. She was b orn in Milwaukee on 22 Oct 1907. I have 3 children: Eric Laurence Pagel b orn 26 Aug 1926 in Milwaukee, Patricia Louise Pagel born 3 June 1933, M ilwaukee, Frederick Paul Pagel born 29 Aug 1937 in Goldendale. Last pla ce of foreign residence was Berlin. Emigrated from Antwerp, Belgium to P hiladelphia PA under the name Eric Carl Herman Pagel on 28 April 1901 o n vessel Switzerland. Have not left US since arrival.

Certificate of Naturalization: Eric Carl Herman Pagel petition # 27408 c ertificate # 6971237: date of birth 22 July 1897, male, fair complexion , grey eyes, grey hair, height 5 ft 6 in, weight 150 no marks, married, f ormer nationality Germany signature: Eric Carl Herman Pagel residence: 2 309 E Price, Town of Lake, Cudahy, Wisconsin Eastern District of Wiscon sin, US District Court 22 Jan 1952. Picture attached and signed.
Naturalization Certificate
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Eric Carl Pagel, petition # 27408 certificate # 6971237, birth: 22 July 1 897; sdex: male; eyes: grey; hair: grey; height: 5 feet, 6 inches; weig ht: 150 lbs; marks: none; marital status: married; nationality: Germany ; 22 Jan 1952, res: 2309 E Price, Town of Lake, Cudahy WI; United State s District, Eastern District of Wisconsin, Milwaukee WI; B H Westfahl, U S District Court
Naturalization application
Page: for Eric Carl Pagel, worksheet dated 21 Sept 1948     Quality: Primary
Census 1905 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1905 WI State Census Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Milwaukee, ward 9, pct 6, page 2232 & 2233
Pagel August, age 36
Pagel Helen, age 31
Pagel Frank, age 9
Pagel Erich, age 8
Pagel Elsie, age 5
Pagel Gerhardt, age 2
Pagel Max, age 7 months
Census 2 JAN 1920 Place: Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin
1920 WI census Roll: T625_2003 Page: 2A ED: 235 Image: 0681
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1079 24th Street, dwelling 22, family 30, 2 Jan 1920
Pagel, August, head, owns with mortgage, male, white, 50, married, imm 1 899, petitioned, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks German, laborer with railro ad
Helen (sic), wife, 46, imm 1899, alien, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks Germ an
Frank, son, 24, single, imm 1899, alien, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks Ger man, machine helper in auto (service)
Eric, son, 22, single, imm 1899, alien, can r/w, b Pommern, speaks Germ an, shopwork deparment store
Elsie, dau, 19, single, imm 1899, alien, not in school, can r/w, b Pomm ern, speaks German, (salesperson?)
Gerhardt, son, 17, single, can r/w, not in school, b WI, machine helper i n auto (service)
Max, son, 15, single, in school, can r/w, b WI
1920 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1920 WI census Roll: T625_2003 Page: 2A ED: 235 Image: 0681
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1079 24th Street, dwelling 22, family 30, 2 Jan 1920
Census 9 APR 1930 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1930 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Roll: T626_2598 Page: 17B ED: 3 16 Image: 0375
9 April 1930, 1009 Becher Street, dwelling 18, family 23
Pagel, Eric, head, rents, $28, male, white, 33, married age 27, not in s chool, can r/w, b Germany of German parents
speaking German, imm 1899 (sic), petition, speaks English, stock manage r in department store for wages, not a veteran
Cecelia, wife, 24, married age 19, not in school, can r/w, b WI, fa b G ermany, mo b WI, speaks English
Eric, son, 3, b WI
Census 23 APR 1910 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1910 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 23 Apr 1910, Milwaukee WI Ward 22, district 4
696 25th, dwelling 210, family 305
Burial 28 JUL 1966 Place: Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin
On the slope of the west side of St Mary's Cemetery, facing toward
Holy Hill.
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
Terlinden, Patricia Pagel
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Eric C had a part of his stomach blown out and ended up with 26 inches o f silver tubing in his stomach or for his intestines
Interment 28 JUL 1966 Place: Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
Doctor 27 JUL 1966 Place: Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
Obituary 27 JUL 1966
(Milw Journal?) newspaper clipping 27 July 1966
Eric Pagel, 69, of 1563 Scott Rd., Port Washington, well known in the a rea for his homemade collection of miniature circus trains, died Monday .

He was dead on arrival at St Alphonsus Hospital after suffering a heart a ttack at his home.

Mr. Pagel had dozens of miniature circus wagons, which he made himself, e ach about a foot long, complete with hand-carved horses to draw the wag ons, and lions, gorilla, tigers, and other wild animals in their cages.

He had dozens of the wagons in his basement and had long hoped to take t hem on a tour of the country.

Mr. Pagel was born in Germany on July 22, 1897, and came to Milwaukee w hen he was a child. He was married to Celia Paprocke (sic) in Milwaukee o n Sept. 19, 1925.

For 39 years he was a stock checker at the Boston Stores then retired t o live in Port Washington where he devoted many hours to his circus tra in hobby.

At the present time a number of the wagons are on display at the Dunwid die School in a federal "Head-Start" program.

Survivors are his wife, Celia (sic); two sons, Eric L of Chicago and Fr ed of Port Washington; a daughter, Mrs. Patricia Kirby of Port Washingt on; five grandchildren; a brother, Frank, of Madison, and a sister, Mrs . Elsie Farmun (sic) of Brookfield.

He was a member of the Boston Store 25-Year Club and St Frederick's Hol y Name Society.

Funeral services will be held at 9:30 am Thursday at St Mary's Catholic C hurch, Port Washington, the Rev. Stanley Klauck, curate, officiating at r equiem Mass. Interment will be at St Mary Cemetery, Port Washington.

Friends may call at the Poole Funeral Home, Port Washington.
Ozaukee Press, date and page not given:
FUneral services for Eric C Pagel, were held at 9:30 am, Thursday July 2 8, in St Mary Catholic Church, Port Washington with the Rev. Stanley Kl auck celebrating the requiem Mass. Burial was in the parish cemetery. F riends called at the Poole Funeral Home in Port Washington after 3 pm W ednesday.

Mr Pagel died suddenly Monday evening July 25, at his home at 1563 Scot t Rd., Port Washington, at the age of 69.

He was born in Germany on July 22, 1897, and came to Milwaukee when he w as two years old. His marriage to Cecelia Paprocke took place in Milwau kee Sept. 19, 1925. The family has been living in Port Washington for t he past several years.

A stock checker at the Boston Store for 39 years, be belonged to the st ore's 25 year club. He also was a memeber of the Holy Name Society of S t Frederick church, Cudahy. His hooby was making miniature circus displ ays which were shown at various schools.

In additoin to his wife, Cecelia, he is survived by two sons, Eric L of C hicago and Frederick of Port Washington; a daughter, Patricia Kirby of P ort Washington; five granddaughters; a brother Frank of Madison and a s ister, Mrs Elsie Farmun(sic) of Brookfield.
Page: newspaper clipping 27 July 1966     Quality: Secondary
Page: newspaper clipping 27 July 1966     Quality: Secondary
Page: newspaper clipping 27 July 1966     Quality: Secondary
Driver license 23 MAY 1929 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
dated 23 May 1929 # 915094. Age 32; sex male; color-white; hair-dark; w eight-150; height 5ft 6 in; driver: Eric C Pagel; address 1009 Becher S t, Milwaukee WI
Driver's License
Page: #915094 dated 23 May 1929     Quality: Primary

Attribute Details
Residence 1079 W 24th
Milwaukee City Directory: 1922
Aug (Helen) lab h 1079 W 24th
Eric slsman Espenhaim D G Co r1079 W 24th
Frank lab r1079 W 24th
Gerhardt printer r1079 W 24th
Max slsman r1079 W 24th
Elsie knitter r1079 W 24th

Milwaukee City Directory 1925:
Eric slsman Espenhaim dept st 1079 W 24th St

Milwaukee City Directory 1933:
Erich stockman Boston Str 2243 S 6th
City Directory
Residence 2309 E Price, Town of Lake, Cudahy, Wisconsin
Naturalization Certificate
Quality: Primary
Source Text: petition # 27408 certificate # 69, res: 2309 E Price, Town of Lake, Cud ahy WI, Eastern District of WI, 22 Jan 1952, US District Court
Residence 2243 S 6th
City Directory
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Milwaukee City Directory 1933: Erich stockman Boston Str 2243 S 6th
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: personal knowledge: Steve & Helen Kubacki lived in the lower apartment w ith Paul Paprocki while Eric C, Cecelia and Eric L lived upstairs.
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Page: personal knowledge; gave address as 2243 S 7th     Quality: Primary
Residence 1563 Scott Road
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
Page: newspaper clipping 27 July 1966     Quality: Secondary
Residence 1009 Becher St
Driver's License
Page: #915094 dated 23 May 1929     Quality: Primary
Residence 1195 Burnham (3219 Burnham)
WI Milwaukee Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Vol 572 Page 296:per death certificate of son, Carl
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: The Pagels lived at 3219 Burnbham when Carl was born. It was across the s treet fropm the 6th Police Station, west of Lyton (1900 W). It was a 2 f lat with a basement apartment. The Pagels lived in the basement, which h ad a back entrance.
Residence 1385 Third Ave
WI Milwaukee Co Court House - Births
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Vol 926 page 18: Eric L Pagel, 26 Aug 1926 at 1385 Third Ave
Residence 1620 S 5th
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: The Pagels lived at 5th & Mitchell for about one year, 1935-1936. The l ocation is now part of the expressway on the sam eblock north of St Sta nislaus Church.
City Directory
Page: 1936 Milwaukee     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel Eric stockman 1620 S 5th
Residence 2930 W Parnell
Address Book
Page: Elinora Hasik Pagel c 1965     Quality: Primary
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Residence 1009 Becher Street
1930 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Roll: T626_2598 Page: 17B ED: 3 16 Image: 0375
9 April 1930, 1009 Becher Street, dwelling 18, family 23
Pagel, Eric, head, rents, $28, male, white, 33, married age 27, not in s chool, can r/w, b Germany of German parents
speaking German, imm 1899 (sic), petition, speaks English, stock manage r in department store for wages, not a veteran
Cecelia, wife, 24, married age 19, not in school, can r/w, b WI, fa b G ermany, mo b WI, speaks English
Eric, son, 3, b WI
Residence 696 25th
1910 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 23 Apr 1910, Milwaukee WI Ward 22, district 4
696 25th, dwelling 210, family 305
Residence 1079 W 24th
WI Milw 1927 City Directory : Paprocki
Page: 1927 Milwaukee City Directory : Paprocki     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel, August (Helen) Lab r 1079 W 24th
Eric (Celia) stockman r 1079 W 24th
Gerhardt A (Grace) printer r 1079 W 24th
Max r 1079 W 24th
Wodke, Walter (Elsie) mech h 1149-27th
Residence 105 Wallace Ave
City Directory
Page: 1928 Milwaukee     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel Eric china wkr Boston Store res 105 Wallace Av
Source Notes:
north side of town
Residence 21243 S 6th
City Directory
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1929 Pagel Eric not found
1931 Pagel Eric, stockman Boston Store, 2243 S 6th
1932 Pagel Eric, stockman Boston Store, 2243 S 6th
1933 Pagel Erich stockman Boston Str 2243 S 6th
Residence 565 W Lincoln rear
City Directory
Page: 1937-1938 Milwaukee     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel Eric stockman 565 W Lincoln rear
Residence RD1 Box 148A
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: 1939 & 1940 City Directory : RD1 Box 148A, Germantown
Occupation slsman Espenhaim D G Co
City Directory
Occupation stock checker at Boston Store, china and glassware dept
City Directory
Occupation stock checker
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: He was a China purchaser for the Boston Store in Milwaukee
Occupation china buyer for Boston Store
City Directory
Page: 1928 Milwaukee     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel Eric china wkr Boston Store res 105 Wallace Av
Source Notes:
north side of town
Physical Descrip. named for his mother's boyfriend
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Quality: Primary
Source Text: personal knowledge
Religion raised Lutheran converted to Catholic
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Quality: Primary
Source Text: personal knowledge: converted from Lutheran to Catholic in 1932, near t o their marriage anniversary date. The reafirmation of his Baptism and m arriage vows were made the same day. Helen & Steve Kubacki were sponsor s for the Baptism and witnesses for the marriage.
Soc. Sec. No. 388-05-0424
PAGEL, ERIC 388-05-0424 (WI) b. 22 Jul 1897 d. Jul 1966 lr. 53074 (Port W ashington, Ozaukee, WI)
Social Security Death Index
Source Text: PAGEL, ERIC 388-05-0424 (WI) b. 22 Jul 1897 d. Jul 1966 lr. 53074 (Port W ashington, Ozaukee, WI)
Wisconsin State Board of Health - Deaths
Page: State Death no 384, Eric Carl PAGEL     Quality: Secondary
Terlinden, Patricia Pagel
Quality: Unreliable
Source Text: personal knowledge: "Eric [Karl] had a part of his stomach blown out in a n explosion and ended up with 26 inches of silver tubing in his stomach a s for his intestines."
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Aug 1990> Eric C stole a whole bunch of bananas and got sick from eatin g them. He wouldn't touch bananas again. He was known to turn around an d leave a house if he smelled bananas in it.
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006
per Cecelia Paprocki Pagel: Eric C became a Catholic in 1932 near their w edding anniversary date. His reaffirmation of his baptism and their ma rriage were done at the same time. Witness to the reaffirmation were S teve and Helen Paprocki Kubacki.

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