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Individual Record for: Eric Laurence Pagel (male)

    August John Pagel
  Eric Karl Hermann Pagel      Family Record
Eric Laurence Pagel      Family Record Helena Hackbarth
Paul Paprocki+
  Cecelia Marcella Pauline Paprocki      Family Record
    MaryAnn Janusz

Spouse Children
Elinora Grayce Hasik
  (Family Record)
Denise Linn Pagel

Event Date Details
Birth 26 AUG 1926 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Social Security Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: PAGEL, ERIC 395-20-6915 (WI) b. 26 Aug 1926 d. 12 Mar 1993 lr. 60429 (H azel Crest, Cook, IL)
Naturalization application
Page: for Eric Carl Pagel, worksheet dated 21 Sept 1948     Quality: Primary
WI Milwaukee Co Court House - Births
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Milwaukee Co Ct Hse, Vol 926 page 18: Eric L Pagel, 26 Aug 1926 born a t 1294 Midland Ave, residence 1385 Third Ave, 14th ward. Not physiucall y deformed or defective; white; legitimate; father age 29 born Germany, a n assistant buyer in a department store; mother 19, born Wisconsin, hou sewife. Only child born alive and now living. Silver nitrate used and p resentation normal. Time: 1:20 om, Dr A A Krygier, 634-3rd Ave, filed 3 1 Aug 1926; registrar John P Koehler; recorded 22 Sept 1926, registrar P C W estfahl.
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Eric born Thur, 26 Aug 1926, 1:15 pm at house on Midland Avenue at S 9t h place, Milwaukee. Nicknamed, Junik (Polish for junior), but not real ly a junior since his name was not exactly the same as his father's.
Death 12 MAR 1993 Place: Harvey, Cook, Illinois
died at Ingles Hospital

[Elinora Hasik Pagel]
When Eric wole up, he felt dizzy and disoriented. He went to the bathro om, but lost his bladder before he could get there. He sat down for a w hile, then tried to make it back to the living room. He lost his bowel s & collapsed. His chest hurt & he wouldn't get up. He lay there for a w hile and crawled to the hide-a-bed which was open in the living room. E lly called the doctor's office but couldn't get thru to the doctor. Eri c broke into a cold sweat, so Elly called 911. He was rushed to Ingals H ospital and to emergency surgery. When Elly told him that she's be wait ing for him, he said, "Yeah, yeah. Alright." They sent Elly down for so me food, since she hadn't eaten & was getting shaky with her diabetes. E lly called Denise to come to the hospital. She said, "It doesn't look g ood." By the time she got back upstairs, the doctor was waiting to tell h er that Eric had died. She waited about another 45 minutes until Denise c ould get there. They viewed his body & arranged for the cremation. They w ent back to the house at 171st St & started calling relatives & friends . Denise stayed there until the following Monday.
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge
Social Security Death Index
Source Text: PAGEL, ERIC 395-20-6915 (WI) b. 26 Aug 1926 d. 12 Mar 1993 lr. 60429 (H azel Crest, Cook, IL)
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Page: Death Certificate     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Eric Laurence Pagel, male, dod 12 March 1993, Cook Co resident, age 66, d ob 26 Aug 1926. Institution: Harvey, Ingalls Memorial Hospital Died 12 :32 PM
cause: ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and artherscerotic disease
Dr Timothy Field, 71 W 156th St, Harvey IL lic# 36-49274
Baptism 29 AUG 1926 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Pagel, Cecelia Paprocki
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Eric baptised Thursday, 1:15pm, 29 August 1926 at St Gerard's Church, O klahoma & South 16th, Milwaukee by Fr. J Wermuth. Godparents Helen Papr ocki Kubacki and Walter Paprocki (sister & brother of Cecelia.) St Ger ard's was a new parish with only about 100 families. Eric was one of th e first babies baptised there.
Confirmation ABT 1940 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
St Gerard Church, Oklahoma & South 16th, Milwaukee.
Named Hilbert for his confirmation sponsor
Census 9 APR 1930 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1930 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Roll: T626_2598 Page: 17B ED: 3 16 Image: 0375
9 April 1930, 1009 Becher Street, dwelling 18, family 23
Pagel, Eric, head, rents, $28, male, white, 33, married age 27, not in s chool, can r/w, b Germany of German parents
speaking German, imm 1899 (sic), petition, speaks English, stock manage r in department store for wages, not a veteran
Cecelia, wife, 24, married age 19, not in school, can r/w, b WI, fa b G ermany, mo b WI, speaks English
Eric, son, 3, b WI
Burial 20 MAR 1993 Place: Kettle Moraine South, Wisconsin
Ashes scattered in a ravine off a fire road in the South Kettal Moraine a rea of Walworth Co, Wisconsin, off route H
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Quality: Primary
Source Text: personal knowledge: Elinora, Kate and Denise drove up to a fire trail e ntrance (east side) in South Kettle Moraine, Walworth country H, LaGran ge Road, just north of US 12 and scattered the ashed down the side of a r avine, where the trees open up to the left
Cremation 16 MAR 1993 Place: Dolton, Cook, Illinois
Certificate of Cremation
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Certificate of Cremation date 16 March 1993
name Eric L Pagel age 66 dod 12 March 1993 no 3-172
funeral director: Jerome Zimny Funeral Home
16744 Dixie Highway, Hazel Crest, Illinois
next of kin: Elinora Pagel, wife, 2167 W 171st St, Hazel Crest, Illinoi s
Disposition of ashes: retunr to Jerome Zimny Funeral Home
Oakland Memorial Lanes, Inc
15200 Lincoln Ave (Michigan City Road) Dolton, Illinois 60419
Phone 708.841.5800 Fax 708.841.5801
Military BET 1945 AND 1947 Place: Germany
Enlisted at the age of 18 years, 4 months, 10 days
Honorable Discharge (vol 97 page 138 # 56233) from The Parachute School , Fort Benning Georgia. Eric L Pagel, 36 995 969, Private, Company "E" F irst Parachute Training Regement. Army serial # 36-995-969; grade-pvt; s ervice-infantry; component-AUS; organization-Co "E" 1st PTR TPS; separa tion 26 Nov. 1945; from Ft Benning, GA; address-2309 E Price Street, Cu dahy WI; date of birth-26 Aug 1929; place-Milwaukee, WI; blue eyes; blo nd hair; 5 ft 9 1/2 in; 148 lbs; no dependents; white, single, citizen; o ccupation-job setter II #010.
Date of induction: 25 Jan 1945 at Fort Sheridan, IL. Registered with se lective service; board # 30 in Cudahy WI.
Military occupation specialty: Message Center Clerk #7667; military qu alification and date: Parachutist 13 July 1945.
Decorations: WW II VMSR. Immunizations: smallpox-9 Feb 1945, typhoid 17 F eb 1945, tetanus 8 Mar 1945. Total length of service, 10 months, 2 days . Highest grade-private. Reason and authority for separation: AR 615-36 5 C of G. Service schools attended: The Parachute School, Fort Benning, G eorgia. Education: 8 elementary, 2 high school. Mustering our pay: $200 . Total from disbursing office: $289.50. Intention to continue life ins urance ar $6.40 per month. Right thumb print. Remarks: Honorably discha rged for C of G to enlist in the Regular Army WD Cir 310, 19454. No day s lost under AW 107. No travel pay paid. Discharged as Private AUS. Sig nature: Eric L Pagel. Personnel officer: Carl L Ermert, Capt Infantry T PS.

Honorable Discharge from US Army
25 Jan 1945 - 23 Feb 1947: US Army RA# 36995969 Final rank: T5, permane nt acting Buck Sgt.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: conversation 16 Feb 1978
WWII Honorable Discharge papers
Quality: Primary
Source Text: vol 97 page 138 # 56233 The Parachute School, Fort Benning Georgia
Veterans Administration
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Transfer of Records card: dated 4 Nov 1958 from Regional Office, 342 N W ater Street, Milwaukee 2, WI to Regional Office, Chicago IL. PAGEL, Eri c L 36 995 969 13 314 706 residence: 11584 So. Lafayette Ave. Chicag o 28 Ill.
Veterans Administration
Page: Selective Service registration cards: order 12702,     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Registered 26 Aug 1944 : signed H M Nehrbass [sig]; registrar for local b oard 30, Cudahy, Wis. Race white; eyes blue; hair blonde; height 6 ft; w eight 154; complexion light; physical characteristics, scar on left thu mb.

14 Sept 1944, classed 1-A, E F Lawler [ink stamp sig] registrar for loc al board 30, Milwaukee Co, 3567 E Barnard Ave, room 27, Cudahy Wis

31 March 1947; classed I-C disc; Frank J Skinean [sig], postmarked Milw aukee, Apr 1 10:30 PM 1947 Wis. local board 30, Milwaukee Co, 507 East W ells Street, Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin

8 Sept 1948, board #49 Milwaukee; 2309 E Price St, Cudahy Wis. Race whi te; eyes blue; hair blonde; height 5 ft 11 in; complexion ruddy; physic al characteristics, none

15 March 1949, classed 4-A, Emmett Scanlan [sig], postmarked Milwaukee M ar 16 11 am 1949 Wis: Local Board No 49, Milwaukee County, 611 N Broadw ay, Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin

12 Aug 1952, classed 5-A, G W Batton [sig]: Local Board No Milwaukee C ounty, 540 N Milwaukee Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Address Eric Laure nce Pagel, 219 So 69th St, Milwaukee, 14, Wis
World War II Registry of Remembrances
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: posted 7 May 2004
Source Notes:
deepagel@graffiti.net. You may now login and add an honoree to the Worl d War II Registry of Remembrances using the following account informati on:
Account Number: 6459332 Zip Code: 60074
Illness 1949 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
summer 1949: Motorcycle accident which crushed left leg forced him to l eave MSOE
before completion.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Illness 26 AUG 1933 Place: Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
26 Aug 1933 in St Luke's Hospital with tonsillitus
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: conversation 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Janice remembers she and Eric would wring the necks of the chickens Eri c's parents kept.
Eric would jump off the roof with an umbrella, playing paratrooper.
Misc 1952
Cecelia Paprocki Pagel sent a birthday present to Denise by cab to Sout h Milwaukee, rather than come herself. Elinora and the two girls went d own to Chicago in late February, 1952. Eric stayed in Milwaukee because h e had profit sharing money due at his 5 year anniversary at Universal R undle (a division of Sear Roebuck Co) that would become available in Ma rch 1952. Eric stayed with Carl and Jan; collected the money when it wa s available; and drove to Chicago with Carl in a truck without brakes.
Misc 1965
Eric Carl's heath was bad. Elinora got Eric to stoop at his parent's ho me in Port Washington WI on their way back home from their summer vacat ion in 1965. That was the first time Denise Pagel Moskovitz remembers m eeting her Pagel grandparents and her cousins.
Misc 4 APR 1967 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
two photo id's
IL Dept of Law Enforcement
Quality: Primary
Source Text: various documents dated 15 Apr 1968 thru 1 Sep 1980
Misc 8 OCT 1992
10/8 Days Inn, Springfield MO
10/9 Amarillo TX
10/10 Best Western, Sun City AZ (5 nights)
10/15 Quality Inn, Meza AZ
10/16 Days Inn, Gallup NM
10/17 Hampton Inn, Amarillo TX
10/18 Days Inn, Oklahoma City OK
10/19 Zenos, Rolla MO
Obituary 14 MAR 1993 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Eric L Pagel, 66, late of Hazel Crest, IL, formerly of Chicago, March 1 2, 1993, beloved husband of Elinora, nee Hasik, loving father of Christ ine Pagel and Denise (Jeffrey) Moskovitz, fond grandfather of two, dear b rother of Fred (Jean) Pagel and Patricia (Elmer) Terlinden. Funeral ser vices private. Retired employee of Armstrong Container Co. Member of So uth Holland Chiselers, Palos Heights social Carvers and Model Engine Co llectors Assn. WWII Army Veteran.
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Chicago Sun Times, Sunday March 14, 1993, page 77
Chicago Tribune, Sunday, March 14, 1993, Section 2 page 7
Obituary 16 MAR 1993 Place: Hazel Crest, Cook, Illinois
Eric L Pagel, a 17-year resident of Hazel Crest, formerly of Chicago, d ied Friday, March 12, at Ingalls Memorial Hospital, Harvey.
Services and interment are private.
Mr. Pagel was born Aug. 26, 1926, in Milwaukee, Wis.
He was a retired machinist for Armstong Container Co., Chicago, and a m ember of South Holland Chiselers, Palos Heights Social Carvers and Mode l Engine Collectors Assn.; and an Army veteran of World War II.
He is survived by his wife Elinora G. (nee Hasik) of Hazel Crest; two d aughters, Christine of Blue Island, Denise Moskovitz of Skokie; a siste r Patricia Terlinden of Port Washington, Wis.; a brother, Fred of Trout dale, Ore.; and two grandchildren.
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Hazel Crest Star (Star Newspapers) possibly dated Tuesday, March 16, 1 993 or Thursday March 18, 1993

Attribute Details
Residence Mr & Mrs Ruege (landloards) 7xx N 29th St
24 Sept 1949 - Nov 1949 : Mr & Mrs Ruege (landlords) 7xx N 29th St
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge
Residence 1715 Manitoba Avenue
Dec 1952-June 1955: 1715 Manitoba Avenue, South Milwaukee, Milw WI
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge
Residence 11584 S Lafayette Ave
Jan 1956- Mar 1961: 11584 S Lafayette Ave., Chicago 264-4646 zone 28

Cecelia Paprocki Pagel sent a birthday present to Denise by cab to Sout h Milwaukee, rather than come herself. Elinora and the two girls went d own to Chicago in late February, 1956. Eric stayed in Milwaukee because h e had profit sharing money due at his 5 year anniversary at Universal R undle (a division of Sear Roebuck Co) that would become available in Ma rch 1956. Eric stayed with Carl and Jan; collected the money when it wa s available; and drove to Chicago with Carl in a truck without brakes.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Questionable
Veterans Administration
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Transfer of Records card: dated 4 Nov 1958 from Regional Office, 342 N W ater Street, Milwaukee 2, WI to Regional Office, Chicago IL. PAGEL, Eri c L 36 995 969 13 314 706 residence: 11584 So. Lafayette Ave. Chicag o 28 Ill.
Residence 11830 S State St 60628
Mar 1961- 6 Aug 1963: 11830 S State St, Chgo 60628 264-4646
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Questionable
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Jamesway Moving & Storage Co dated 6 AUg 1963: $162.50 to move from 118 30 State to 11841 State
Residence 11841 S State St 60628
Aug 1963 - Sept 1975: 11841 S State St, Chgo 60628 264-4646
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
IL Dept of Law Enforcement
Quality: Primary
Residence 2167 W 171st St 60429
Sept 1975 -March 1993: 2167 W 171st St, Hazelcrest IL 60429 335-2565.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge
Residence 309 E Price Street, Town of Lake
Veterans Administration
Page: Selective Service registration cards     Quality: Primary
Residence 219 S 69th St
Nov 1949-Dec 1952: 219 S 69th St, Milw
Veterans Administration
Page: Selective Service registration cards: order 12702,     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Registered 26 Aug 1944 : signed H M Nehrbass [sig]; registrar for local b oard 30, Cudahy, Wis. Race white; eyes blue; hair blonde; height 6 ft; w eight 154; complexion light; physical characteristics, scar on left thu mb.

14 Sept 1944, classed 1-A, E F Lawler [ink stamp sig] registrar for loc al board 30, Milwaukee Co, 3567 E Barnard Ave, room 27, Cudahy Wis

31 March 1947; classed I-C disc; Frank J Skinean [sig], postmarked Milw aukee, Apr 1 10:30 PM 1947 Wis. local board 30, Milwaukee Co, 507 East W ells Street, Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin

8 Sept 1948, board #49 Milwaukee; 2309 E Price St, Cudahy Wis. Race whi te; eyes blue; hair blonde; height 5 ft 11 in; complexion ruddy; physic al characteristics, none

15 March 1949, classed 4-A, Emmett Scanlan [sig], postmarked Milwaukee M ar 16 11 am 1949 Wis: Local Board No 49, Milwaukee County, 611 N Broadw ay, Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin

12 Aug 1952, classed 5-A, G W Batton [sig]: Local Board No Milwaukee C ounty, 540 N Milwaukee Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Address Eric Laure nce Pagel, 219 So 69th St, Milwaukee, 14, Wis
Residence 219 S 69th St
Veterans Administration
Page: Selective Service registration cards     Quality: Primary
Residence 1385 Third Ave
WI Milwaukee Co Court House - Births
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Vol 926 page 18: Eric L Pagel, 26 Aug 1926 at 1385 Third Ave
Residence 2309 E Price, Town of Lake
Naturalization Certificate
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Eric Carl Pagel, petition # 27408 certificate # 69, res: 2309 E Price, T own of Lake, Cudahy WI, Eastern District of WI, 22 Jan 1952, US Distric t Court
Residence 1195 Burnham (3219 Burnham)
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: The Pagels lived at 3219 Burnbham when Carl was born. It was across the s treet from a playground and the 6th Police Station, west of Lyton (1900 W ), was just east. It was a 2 flat with a basement apartment that was sl ightly above ground level. The next building west was a church in an ol d storefvront. The Pagels lived in the basement, which had a back entra nce.
Residence 1620 S 5th
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: The Pagels lived at 5th & Mitchell for about one year, 1935-1936. The l ocation is now part of the expressway on the sam eblock north of St Sta nislaus Church.
City Directory
Page: 1936 Milwaukee     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel Eric stockman 1620 S 5th
Residence RD1 Box 148A
St. Boniface Catholic Church, W204 N11940 Goldendale Road, Germantown, W I 53022 ph. 262.628.2040

From the south : Take 41/45, northwest of Milw.
Exit Hwy 41/45 at Lannon Rd. (Hwy 167 east)
Turn east on Lannon Rd. At the first light, turn left (north) on Maple.
(do NOT go east on / Mequon Road)
At Freistad turn left (west) to St. Boniface at Goldendale Road.

From Elaine's : take Freistad road west to Goldendale Road

Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: 1939 & 1940 City Directory : RD1 Box 148A, Germantown
Web site
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: St. Boniface was the earliest Catholic church in the county [Washington ] and this book also includes records back to 1843 from the Cathedral o f St. Peter the Apostle in Milwaukee and the county courthouse in Port W ashington. Church records include all baptisms, marriages and burials f rom 1843 to 1920. Tombstone inscriptions date back to 1844. All of the w ater-damaged records from the 1850's which are unreadable on microfilm h ave been successfully transcribed for this book!
Source Notes:
book is out of print
Residence 1009 Becher Street
1930 WI Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Roll: T626_2598 Page: 17B ED: 3 16 Image: 0375
9 April 1930, 1009 Becher Street, dwelling 18, family 23
Pagel, Eric, head, rents, $28, male, white, 33, married age 27, not in s chool, can r/w, b Germany of German parents
speaking German, imm 1899 (sic), petition, speaks English, stock manage r in department store for wages, not a veteran
Cecelia, wife, 24, married age 19, not in school, can r/w, b WI, fa b G ermany, mo b WI, speaks English
Eric, son, 3, b WI
Residence 945 First Ave (2245 S 6th St)
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Eric C's family lived in Paul Paprocki's house (945 First Ave) when Pat w as born (Jun 1933). There was a family squabble over who should get the l ocation, so Eric C's family moved to Lincoln St, over the Highway Resta urant and Phil & Agnes moved out too. Then Phil & France moved in. [The n ote definitely says Phil and Agnes left and Phil and Frances moved in, b ut this doesn't make sense.]
Residence 105 Wallace Ave
City Directory
Page: 1928 Milwaukee     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel Eric china wkr Boston Store res 105 Wallace Av
Source Notes:
north side of town
Residence 2243 S 6th
City Directory
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1929 Pagel Eric not found
1931 Pagel Eric, stockman Boston Store, 2243 S 6th
1932 Pagel Eric, stockman Boston Store, 2243 S 6th
1933 Pagel Erich stockman Boston Str 2243 S 6th
Residence 565 W Lincoln rear
City Directory
Page: 1937-1938 Milwaukee     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Pagel Eric stockman 565 W Lincoln rear
Occupation machinist
Post, Milwaukee, WI from May/June 1950 - Feb 1951; Universal Rundle (5 y ears), Milwaukee WI from Feb 1951-Feb 1956; Pullman Standard Co, Calume t shops, Chicago IL, from March - May 1956; Ford Motor Co, Aircraft Di vision, Chicago IL, from May 1956 - Aug 1957; Continental Can Co (3 mo nths), Chicago IL, from Aug - Nov 1957;
Corn Products, Argo IL from Nov 1957 - 1959; Sherwin William Co, 117th &
Champlain, Chicago IL, from Nov 1959 - Feb 1978; Laid off from Sherwin W illiams Nov 1982 & out of work; Precision Canning Corp. 14th & Kilbou rne, Chicago IL, from 11 Apr 1983 - Aug 1986; Armstrong Container Corp. , Chicago IL, from Aug 1986 - 31 Aug 1991, retirement.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Occupation Holeproof : hosiery
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Primary
Occupation Meyer's
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Quality: Primary
Occupation stock boy at Whole-Proof hosery
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Sept 1932-June 1936 gr 1-3 James Whitcomb Riley, 2 blocks south of Lin coln, 1 block east of Chase. Retained in 2nd grade due to overcrowding i n school;
Sept 1936 gr 4 Walter Allen School, between 2nd and 3rd, north of Mitc hell;
1936-June 1942 gr 4-8 St Boniface, Goldendale, held back for religion c lasses;
Sept 1942-June 1945 2 years school and GED test at Messmer High Schoo l;
Entered Army June 1945
Feb 1947-summer 1949: Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), to get el ectro-technician certificate to become an electrician. Motorcycle accid ent which crushed left leg forced him to leave MSOE before completion.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: conversation 16 Feb 1978
Physical Descrip. 6 foot, 154 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes
Veterans Administration
Page: Selective Service registration cards     Quality: Primary
Religion Catholic, non-practicing
Altar boy: St Boniface RC, W 204 N 11940 Goldendale Road, Germantown WI 5 3022 1-414-628-2040
Eric lived close enough to see the church across the field and up on a r ise of land. Quite often, he was called to do extra Masses because he l ived so close and because he "performed" them so well. When there was a f uneral, the church bells would toll the person's age. When he served at 4 0 Hours Devotion, be would pack the brazier with incense so that the wh ole church would fill with smoke.
Pagel, Eric Laurence
Page: personal memories     Quality: Primary
Soc. Sec. No. 395-20-6915 WI
Social Security Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: PAGEL, ERIC 395-20-6915 (WI) b. 26 Aug 1926 d. 12 Mar 1993 lr. 60429 (H azel Crest, Cook, IL)
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006
Old St Luke's Hospital on Greenfield is now St Lukes Hospital on 27th & O klahoma.
The 13th & Wilbur Streets street car tracks ended at St Adalbert Cemete ry's gates.

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Last changed 16 FEB 2006
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