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Individual Record for: Elinora Grayce Hasik (female)

     Nickname: Iggy, Elly, Nora

Elinora Grayce Hasik         

Spouse Children
Eric Laurence Pagel
  (Family Record)
Denise Linn Pagel

Event Date Details
Birth 4 AUG 1925 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Birth Certificate
Quality: Primary
Source Text: City of Chgo Dept of Health Notification of Birth Registration certific ate file # 34599
Eleanor Grace Hasik; sex , female; born 4 Aug 1925 at 9258 Stony Island A ve, Chgo
father Jospeh E Hasik, maiden name of mother Theresa E Klein
Sealed. Signed by Herman H. Bundesen, MD; Mayor William E. Dever
Notification of Birth
Quality: Primary
Source Text: City of Chgo Dept of Health Notification of Birth Registration certific ate
file # 34599 Eleanor Grace Hasik, female, born 4 Aug 1925 at 9258 Ston y
Island Ave, Chgo father Jospeh E Hasik, mother Theresa E Klein
Death 7 JUN 2001 Place: Skokie, Cook, Illinois
State of Illinois Medical Certifdicate of Death; registration distict n o 16.36; registration number 19298
Elinora G Pagel, female, died 7 June 2001 in Cook County. Age 75, born 4 A ugust 1925. Died in Skokie at Rush North Shore Medical Center, an inpat ient.
Born Chicago, widowed, never in the military, SSN 350-14-8315, teacher; 4 y ears of college; residence 8330 Central Park Ave, Skokie, IL, inside ci ty, Cook County, Illinois 60076. White, not hispanic.
Father: Joseph Hasik Mother: Therese (sic) Klein
informant: Denise Moskovitz, daughter, 8330 Central Park Ave, Skokie I L 60076
cause: athreosclerotic heart disease died at 11:50 PM
no autopsy; not pregnant
Last attended 6 June 2001 by Laura LaFave, 9669 N Renton, Ste 300, Skok ie IL 60076 License # 036084528 Signed 8 June 2001
removal: scientific study Crematory: AGA of Illinois, Chicago, IL on 1 2 June 2001
Funeral home: Cremation Society of Illinois, 1030 E Northwest Hwy, Mt P rospect IL 60056
Gerald Sullivan, license# 034-011165
registrar: Lowell Huckleberry, filed 12 June 2001
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Quality: Primary
Source Text: personal knowledge: Rush North Shore hospital, 11:15 pm
IL Cook Co Court House - Deaths
Quality: Primary
Source Text: State of Illinois registration distict no 16.36; registration number 19 298 filed 12 June 2001
Baptism AFT 4 AUG 1925 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Our Lady of Hungary Church, 93rd & Avalon, Chgo
First Communion DEC 1932 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Elinore G Hasik
9258 Sony Is
Ade 7 Dec 32
St Alibes School
Source Notes:
the book was printed in Czechosolvakia; with he misspelling of he name a nd school, I would think this was from Grandma Kopta
Census APR 1930 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1930 Illinois Roll: T626_431 Page: 18A ED: 2455 Image: 1083
Chicago, Cook, Illinois : indexed as Hasek, Joseph
April 1930, 10th ward, block 130, pt com A 63
9258 Stoney Island Av, dwelling 148, family 217
Hasik, Joseph, head, rents, 40, no, male, white, 28, married, age 22 at m arriage, not in school, lit, b IL, fa b Czechoslovakia, mo b Poland, as st foreman, automobile industry, code 7422, wages, employed, not vetera n
Hasik, Theresa, wife, female, white, 21, married, age 15 married, not i n school, lit, b IL, fa b Czechoslovakia, mo b Germany
Hasik, Elinora, daughter, feamle, white, 4 8/12, single, not in school, b I L of IL parents
Klein, Frank, head, rents, 40, No, male, white, 22, married, age 18 mar ried, not in school, lit, b Germany, parents b Poland, speaks Polish, m achinist in steel mills, code 2024, wages, employed, not veteran
Klein, Betty, wife, female, white, 18, married, age 16 married, not in s chool, lit, b NY, parents b Poland
Klein, Delores, daughter, female, white, 5/12, single, not in school, b I L, fa b Germany, mo b NY
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_431 Page: 18A ED: 2455 Image: 1083
Chicago, Cook, Illinois : indexed as Hasek, Joseph
April 1930, 10th ward, block 130, pt com A 63
9258 Stoney Island Av, dwelling 148, family 217
Hasik, Joseph Hasik, Theresa Hasik, Elinora
Klein, Frank Klein, Betty Klein, Delores
Cremation 10 JUL 2001 Place: Berwyn, Cook, Illinois
Crematory certificate
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Elinora had given her body to the Illinois Anatomical Study Association t o be used in medical schools. Her body was mony kept for about a month b efore she was cremated.
Source Notes:
Either the funeral home didn't attempt to notify Denise or the cremator y held on the to ashes, which is why they were not scattered until 10 O ct 2002.
Illness JUN 1987
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Quality: Primary
Source Text: date from Warranty card for AccuCheck diabetes testing machine. Trainin g dated 23 June 1987.
Illness 14 APR 1997 Place: Skokie, Cook, Illinois
short of breath so admitted to Rush Northshore Hospital (13 Apr 1997) f or balloon angeoplasty but determined triple bypass (14 Apr 1997) neede d. In hospital for about 10 days, then to Manor Care Nursing Home for r ehab. In and out of hospital , Manor Care, and Alden Estates Rehab Hom e until August 1997. Physically weakened by time spent in bed caused l engthy rehab.

6 Sept 1998: fall. In hospital the top Alden (14 Sep 1998) for 6 weeks
26 Oct 1998: moved in to Diane Tiran's home-health care
Oct 1999: move to Denise's home
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Illness NOV 1980
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Illness OCT 1981
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Illness DEC 1983
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Diabetic: diagnosed in 1987. Put on oral insulin but changed to injecti ons for better regulation.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Illness 24 MAY 2001 Place: Skokie, Cook, Illinois
24 may 2002 : fell btw 7:30-11a
parametics to Rush Northshore
emergency room: cat of head/xrays of major bones/unable to identify any one
moved to MICU 281/both femurs broken/possible clot can go to lungs/no s urgery until she's stable

5 June per Dr LaFave: 1st CAT scan was clear, 2nd showed mini seizures, 3 rd shows slight improvement. Is being given Ritalin (!) for the seizur es. Dr will see if there is something that should be done for the legs b ut can't do surgery unless she's stable. Scan shows complex mass in lef t kidney; tumor or cancer (definately not a simple cyst). Give it a few m ore days (call on Fri 6/8 at noon). Consider hospice care.

6 June moved to 516a for one day (Telemetry)
7 June moved to 324a for one day

Received call about 12:10 am on June 8.
Said Mom passed away in her sleep at 11:15 pm (11:50 on death cert)
cause: arteriosclerotic heart disease
CHECK 114 paid 23 Aug 2001
$1495.000 to Rush North Shore Medical Center
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Quality: Primary
Source Text: personal knowledge: recorded at the time it occured
Illness AUG 1932 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Elinora was living at Essex for her seventh birthday and had her tonsil s out.

Dr Mike Mellon worked at South Shore Hospital and did the surgery in th e morning. He brought Ted and Nora to Grandma Klein's house in his car. A w eek later, he removed Helene's tonsils in his office (not sure if that w as legal). All that summer, Gramma Klein gave them both ice cream whene ver they wanted some.
Dr Jack Mellon got his MD in Canada and didn't have his Chicago license y et.
Misc 1 JAN 1942 Place: Paducah, McCracken, Kentucky
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: conversation 27 Dec 1991: Elinora and Helene went to Paducha KY for New Y ear's 1942 to be with younger cousins Lou and Grace Klein. But Lou and G race were not there so they only stayed a few days with their uncle Lou is and aunt Grace.
Misc BET 1975 AND 1982
Address Book
Quality: Primary
Misc 6 AUG 1994
Chicago Sun Times, Saturday, 6 Aug 1994, page 37:
Rev. Francis P. Murphy, Pastor Emeritus of St. Catherine of Genoa Churc h, dear son of the late Cornelius and Catherine (nee Conton), fond brot her of Annette (the late Frank) Jenks and the late Sr. Mary Canisia Mur phy, O.P., dear uncle of Rev. Francis C Jenks, Pastor of Ascension Chur ch, Oak Park, Edward D. (Mary Louise) Jenks and Mary (Frank) Scotello. V isitation Saturday, 2 pm to 9 pm at Kenny Brothers, 3600 W 95th St. Lyi ng in state Sunday 2pm to 8pm at Assumption BVM-St Catherine of Geneoa c hurch, 640 W 118th St. Funeral Monday at church, 11 am for Mass of Chri stian Burial. Interment Holy Sepulchre. 312-239-3600 or 708-425-4500.
Misc 24 MAY 2001
as of 24 May 2002:
insulin NPH 10 units in am
pravachol 20m (cholesterol)
vasotec 5mg (blood presure)
furosemide 60 mg (diuretic)
doc-Q-lace (docusate) 100mg (laxitive)
klor-con 10meq (potasium)
metoclopramide 10mg (stomach)
Minitran .2mg nitro-dur patch
cipro 250mg (antibiotic)
acc-check 100 strips
asprin 250mq
Misc 26 JAN 1929
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Quality: Primary
Source Text: At Frank and Betty Klein's wedding, 26 Jan 1929, Grandma Kopta made mat ching dresses for Elinora and Ruth. Nora's dress was red with blue flap s onthe pockets and collar; Ruths was royal blue with red flaps on the p ockets and collar
Interment 10 OCT 2002 Place: Kettle Moraine South, Wisconsin
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Quality: Primary
Source Text: personal knowledge: Kate and Denise drove up to the same site where Eri c's ashes were scattered; down the path of a fire trail entrance (east s ide) where the trees open up to the left, in South Kettle Moraine, Wal worth country H, LaGrange Road, just north of US 12. Denise injured her c hin trying to duck under the road block sign.
Funeral 8 JUN 2001 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Elinora G. Pagel (nee Hasik) of Skokie, formerly of Hazel Crest, died J une 7 in Skokie.
Arrangements were by Olson Funeral Home in Chicago.
Mrs. Pagel was born Aug. 4, 1925, in Chicago. A retired teacher, she ta ught at St. Catherine of Genoa School. She was a volunteer with the Gra ndma Please program at Uptown Center Hull House.
She is survived by her daughters Denise (Jeffrey) Moskovitz of Skokie a nd Christine Pagel of Blue Island; two grandchildren. She was preceded i n death by her husband Eric.
Memorials may be made to Grandma Please, c/o Uptown Center Hull House, 4 520 N. Beacon St., Chicago 60640.
Obituary 14 JUN 2001 Place: Skokie, Cook, Illinois
Star Newspapers, Thursday, 14 June 2001
Elinora G. Pagel (nee Hasik) of Skokie, formerly of Hazel Crest, died J une 7 in Skokie.
Arrangements were by Olson Funeral Home in Chicago. Mrs. Pagel was born A ug. 4, 1925, in Chicago. A retired teacher, she taught at St. Catherine o f Genoa School. She was a volunteer with the Grandma Please program at U ptown Center Hull House.
She is survived by her daughters Denise (Jeffrey) Moskovitz of Skokie a nd Christine Pagel of Blue Island; two grandchildren. She was preceded i n death by her husband Eric. Memorials may be made to Grandma Please, c /o Uptown Center Hull House, 4520 N. Beacon St., Chicago 60640.

Obituaries :: No Headline :: Sunday, June 17, 2001 :: Corrections
The obituary for Ann L. Novelli in some editions of Thursday's Star omi tted the names of her sisters-in-law, Irene Rotoloni and Nancy Capriott i.
The obituary for Nannie Mae Rufus omitted the names of her sons, Frank ( Lillie) and Fredrick (Lana) Rufus, both of Michigan.
The obituary for Elinora G. Pagel incorrectly stated that she was a tea cher. She was a retired teacher. Among her survivors, the name of Jeffr ey Moskovitz was misspelled due to faulty information provided to The S tar. The Star regrets the errors.
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Elinora G. Pagel (nee Hasik) of Skokie, formerly of Hazel Crest, died J une 7 in Skokie.
Arrangements were by Olson Funeral Home in Chicago.
Mrs. Pagel was born Aug. 4, 1925, in Chicago. A retired teacher, she ta ught at St. Catherine of Genoa School. She was a volunteer with the Gra ndma Please program at Uptown Center Hull House.
She is survived by her daughters Denise (Jeffrey) Moskovitz of Skokie a nd Christine Pagel of Blue Island; two grandchildren. She was preceded i n death by her husband Eric.
Memorials may be made to Grandma Please, c/o Uptown Center Hull House, 4 520 N. Beacon St., Chicago 60640.
Trip JUN 1987
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip BET 8 OCT 1992 AND OCT
10/8 Days Inn, Springfield MO
10/9 Amarillo TX
10/10 Best Western, Sun City AZ (5 nights)
10/15 Quality Inn, Meza AZ
10/16 Days Inn, Gallup NM
10/17 Hampton Inn, Amarillo TX
10/18 Days Inn, Oklahoma City OK
10/19 Zenos, Rolla MO
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip JUL 1989 Place: Eagle River, Vilas, Wisconsin
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip 2 JUL 1990 Place: Madison, Dane, Wisconsin
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip JUL 1990 Place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip OCT 1990 Place: Eagle River, Vilas, Wisconsin
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip JUN 1991 Place: Lake Geneva, Walworth, Wisconsin
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip JUN 1991 Place: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip SEP 1991
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip SEP 1991 Place: Door Co, Wisconsin
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Trip JUN 1989 Place: Madison, Dane, Wisconsin
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Source Text: went with Elinora Pagel to Madison WI to do genealogical research. Copi ed out 1905 WI census and other records.
Jury duty NOV 1983 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary

Attribute Details
Residence 9258 Stony Island Avenue
August 1925 -Sept 1934
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Illinois Roll: T626_431 Page: 18A ED: 2455 Image: 1083
Chicago, Cook, Illinois : indexed as Hasek, Joseph
April 1930, 10th ward, block 130, pt com A 63
9258 Stoney Island Av, dwelling 148, family 217
Hasik, Joseph Hasik, Theresa Hasik, Elinora
Klein, Frank Klein, Betty Klein, Delores
Residence 9258 Stony Island Avenue
June 1935 - June 1940
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: After Grandma Klein moved back to Stoney Island.
Residence 8341 Essex Avenue
Sept 1933 - June 1935, with Klein grandparents "on the farm"
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Elinora fell on a rake and punctured either side of her shin on her rig ht leg the Saturday after they moved to Essex. Uncle Frank came down t o the farm, drunk, and wanted to take Elinora back to Stoney Island. El inora refused to go. She wanted to stay with her Grandmother as much as p ossible. On the way home, Frank went off the road and into a water fill ed culvert. He was there some time before he was found. When the police n otified Betty, she assumed Elinora was with him. They notified Theresa a nd got her all upset. Frank's leg was badly broken and took a long time t o heal. When Elinora returned to Stoney Island, Frank & Betty were on t he first floor and Theres and Elinora were on the second floor.

Sept 1933 : attended 3rd grade Edward Coles School, Chgo : living at 83 41 Essex Avenue.
In 1934, they sold the Essex house and moved back to Stoney Island.
Residence Dauphine
abt 1940 - Sept 1942
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Residence 11th & Michigan Ave
Sept 1942 -Spring 1943 St Catherine's Home for Business Women, 11th & M ichigan Ave, Milwaukee
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Residence Marquette Univ women's dorm
Apr 1943 - June 1943
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Residence 830 W Wisconsin Avenue
June 1943 - Oct 1943
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Residence 10511 Forest
Oct 1943 - Jan 1944 Very ill. Returned home from college. Rosemore & F orest
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Residence 830 N 14th Street
Sept 1946-4 Feb 1948 Mrs. Aida Streng, 830 N 14th St, Milw, the widow o f a phsycian/surgeon from Woodstock IL. attending Marquette Univ
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Residence 7xx N 29th Street
Fall 1948 Mr & Mrs Ruege (landloards) 7xx N 29th St with Velma Loth.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Residence 5238 W Oakton Street, Apt JG
31 May 1993 - Oct 1998: 5328 W Oakton St, Skokie IL 60077 329-1347
Voter's Registration card in BOX 1
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Quality: Primary
Residence Diana Tirin, 7807 N Karlov
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge: from Oct 1998 to Oct 1999     Quality: Primary
Residence 8330 Central Park Ave
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge: from Oct 1999 to May 2001     Quality: Primary
Residence 11784 S Lafayette Avenue
Occupation waitress, 71st & Cramdon
Summer 1940 waitress at 71st & Cramdon, off Jeffery Ave, Chgo. Lied a bout her age to get the job. "I probably did it to prove something. Yo ur grandmother didn't think I could handle it."
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation waitress, at "Jacques" at 71st & South Shore
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation waitress, at "Joseph's" at W 63rd Sreet
1945 (6 months) waitress "Joseph's" at W 63rd Sreet, Chgo
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation waitress, at "Helen's" at 108th & Edgebrook
1945/1946 (6 months) waitress "Helen's" at 108th & Edgebrook
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation waitress, at "Schuster's" 3rd St
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation statistician, Blue Cross of WI, 733 N Plankington
6 Feb 1948 - 17 Mar 1950 Blue Cross, 733 N Plankington, Milw. Started f irst reportable hospital statistics for Blue Cross in Wisconsin. Create d a line-graph showing cost per day for drugs, rooms, etc. (each aspect o f hospital care) by what was paid out to each hospital in Wisconsin. Go t IBM printouts from key punch cards, a running report for each hospita l in the state. She did cost per item figures which were used for dete rmining the cost of Blue Cross insurance policies. She started the enti re systems of figures. While she was there, four representatives were h ired to go to the hospitals to see that the hospital's bookkeepng was d one in the same (right) way so the billing was consistant and the figur es would be correctly reflective of the costs. At the time, one woman d id all the checks for the entire state. Blue Cross WI was barely 10 ye ars old at the time. Baby shower for Christine was held here.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation general office, Man Power Temporary Services
1950-1952 Man Power emergency office help. Part time; frequently at-ho me work.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation statistician, Great Lakes Tobacco Co
June 1952-Feb 1954 Great Lakes Tobacco Co, wholesale cigar company. St arted by typing records. Finished by doing company's sales statistics. D id all the figures based on the representative's sales that determined t heir commission. Last two months work done at home, without an adding m achine. Approx 20 reps worked at that time.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation housewife
Feb 1954-Sept 1960 housewife. Moved to Chicago in March, 1956.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Occupation teacher
Sept 1960-June 1961 teacher, St Louis of France, 117th & State St, 6th g rade. She had the educational background for teaching (with her philoso phy major in college) but couldn't get a state teaching certificate bec ause she did not do student teaching.
The Catholic Schools were independent from the state hiring rules at th at time. When the Catholic schools later adopted state guidelines, Elin ora kept her job by grandfather clause and number of years of classroom e xperience.

Sept 1961-June 1990 teacher, St Catherine of Genoa, 117th & Lowe, Chgo
Started in a contained 4th grade. Departmentalized 4th, then 6th, then a 5 - 8 th combination. Generally taught math, science, social studies. Coordi nated loans of Title 8 books, movies and microfilm to the group of Cath olic schools that pooled resources for their purchases. Was a member o f CATA (Catholic Teachers Association) during the time the Catholic Sch ools in Chicago where going union (1960s). Organized school science fai rs and participated as Judge in Chicago Metro Science Fairs.

15 November 1993: Interview responses Kate needed for her writing class :
How did you start your job?
"I was asked to substitute teach in my daughter's class. The regular t eacher became ill. I subbed for 2 weeks just before the end of the yea r. The principal asked if I would teach the full year. I taught for 3 0 years. It was supposed to be a temp job until they found a replaceme nt. My last school was St. Catherine of Genoa, on the far south side of C hicago."

"I liked teaching very much, especially being with the boy and girls an d seeing how they responded to teaching. I retire because I was gettin g too old to do as much for the students as I thought I should. I'd lik e to go on teaching but being my age and having taught for 30 years, I g uess it's time to retire."

"All the teachers worked well together. Many are still close friends."

"When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor. In my freshman year of col lege I got sick, so I had to stop school. When I got back, I realized I 'd never be able to finish school and go to medical school, so I change d my goal."
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Quality: Primary
Source Text: conversation on 16 Feb 1978; document of The Catholic Bishop of Chicago C orp. pension plan indicates hire date of 1 Sept 1960 and retirement dat e of 1 Sept 1990
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Occupation library aide, Prairie State Library
June 1990 retired volunteer work in material processing at Hazel Crest L ibrary, Prairie State Library
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Occupation counseling, Grandma Please
Grandma Please is a telephone service, run thru Hull House, that links g rade school age kids with seniors via phone. The seniors provide the ki ds with someone who will listen to them and give them support and (in s erior cases) general info on agencies that they can contact. Being an e x-teacher, Elinora frequently gets the homework problem calls.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Moskovitz, Denise Pagel
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Education St Albie School, grades 1 and 2
Sept 1931 - June 1933 1-2 grades St Albie School, Chicago
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: taken out of school April/May 1932 when the divorce occured; moved back t o Stoney Island after Hasik left. Hasik probably went to Grandma Kopta' s house to live.

July 1932: Hasik didn't go to the custody hearing so he lost all right s to Elinora. Could be that Helen was already pregnanrt and he was read y to marry her and move on to a new family. [Could also have been part o f the agreement with Theresa or Grandma Kopta's influence.]

Louis & Mary Klein were living in Glenwood at this time. Only Frank, Be tty, Theresa and Elinora were living at Stoney Island in July 1932.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: After they moved back to Stoney Island and lived on the second floor: J oe Zboril rented one room, Johnny McLave rented another room.

Hasik would take Elinora to see "Grampa Frank" Zboril Sr at the old/ex t avern. Grampa Frank promised the gilded cruxifix to Elinora and made hi s son, Joseph, promise that she get it when he died. The mechanical pia no and bar were all that was left in the empty saloon. The house opened o n to 93rd and Avalon. Between 93rd /Avalon and 93rd/Stoney was the nick elplate railroad. In good weather, they'd walk to the tavern. In bad, t hey'd drive around the roundhouse. There was no road through on 93rd st reet until the 1960s when the steel company wanted it.
Source Notes:
Grandpa Frank died March 1932. Denise still has the cruxifix
Education Edward Coles School, grade 3
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Sept 1933 : 3rd grade Edward Coles School, 8441 S. Yates Boulevard, Chg o : living at 8341 Essex Avenue

After Grandma Klein moved back to Stoney Island; Helene was in 8th grad e. She and Elinora went to Cole School at the same time. Helene graduat ed from Coles.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Helene was in Coles school in about 3rd grade in about 1929/1930. Elly w as about 4 or 5 when she went to Helene's school as a "guest." Elly wo uld have been in 3rd grade in 1932/1933.

Helene and Elinora were at Cole School at the same time. Helene graduat ed 8th grade from Coles in June 1935, when she was 16 years old.

Helene lost a year of school from the scarlet fever and was held back a g rade when she transfered schools. She may also have started school late r than other kids because of her health or vision. She was crosseyed an d a very sickly kid. She could eat 6 pieces of toast with butter, peanu tbutter and jelly and never gain an ounce in weight. Hasik would take H elene and Elly on trips to get malteds so Helene would have the milk to " fatten her up." These were the days of *real* malt in the malteds; very t hick and filling.
Source Notes:
Counting back from her June 1942 high school graduation, Elly would hav e started school in Sept 1930.
Counting back from Helen's 1935 graduation; less 1933/1934 for scarlet f ever; repeated an early grade; sickly when young; Helene probably began s chool at age 7, Sept 1925, right after Elinora was born.
Education Joseph Warren School, grades 4 - 8
Sept 1934 - Aug 1938 4-8 Joseph Warren School. Private school run by t he City of Chicago. Grades 5-8 departmentalized. In 6-8 grade, 2 hours o f study hall each day for individualized projects. Summers 7th & 8th gr ades at Phil Sheridan School. Graduated Aug 1938, at end of summer sess ion. Wanted to go to dance school, but Theresa couldn't efford it.
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Went to Joseph Warren School since St Albie would have put Elinora back a g rade to make up the religion classes.
Education Mercy High Scool, 8100 S Prairie Avenue
Sept 1938-June 1942 M
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Source Text: Theresa was set on Nora going to college. Shelby, Wayne and Karen went o n in school, but not Bev or Delores. Delores became a model after high s chool. Ted and Zboril took alotof flak even from oe Hasik for letting E lly go to Mercy High School and especially to college.
Education Marquette Univ, incomplete BA in Philosophy
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Education American School of Beauty Culture
3 Jan 1944, licensed July 1944, American School of Beauty Culture.
Worked for a while. "If Helene had lived we might have opened a [beauty ] shop and that would have been it. That was the way it was supposed t o be."
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: conversation on 16 Feb 1978     Quality: Primary
Education Marquette Univ, completed BA in Philosophy
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Quality: Primary
Source Text: conversation on 16 Feb 1978: attended between Sept 1946 - 4 Feb 1948 Ma rquette Univ, BA in Philosophy
Religion Catholic
Pagel, Elinora Hasik
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Primary
Soc. Sec. No. 350-14-8315 IL
from Illinois
Nationality USA
IL Cook Co Circuit Court
Page: Voters Registration Card dated May 1994 # 02194     Quality: Primary
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