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Individual Record for: James Allen Kramer (male)

  Donald Kramer       
James Allen Kramer      Family Record  
Isadore Solomon Apple+
  Aileen Appel      Family Record
    Fannie Bernice Brown

Spouse Children
Elaine Apple
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 11 SEP 1951 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
birth announcement
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Mr and Mrs Donald Kramer announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Alen on T uesday, September 11, 1951, weight 7 lbs., 4540 North Magnolia Avenue, C hicago

Attribute Details
Residence 4540 N Magnolia Avenue
birth announcement
Quality: Primary
Source Text: Mr and Mrs Donald Kramer announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Alen on T uesday, September 11, 1951, weight 7 lbs., 4540 North Magnolia Avenue, C hicago

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