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Individual Record for: Julius Miller (male)

    Eleatzar Miller
  Joseph Henry Miller      Family Record
Julius Miller      Family Record Bessie+
Aberhaus Cotton
  Franzelia Cotton      Family Record
    Mary Meyerowitz+

Event Date Details
Birth ABT NOV 1897
1900 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Death ABT 1902 Place: Monee, Will, Illinois
Sam died at 203 W 12, Chicago, on 12 July 1898
Julius is listed in 1900 census as born Nov 1897
Julius Miller died at 15 Johnson St, Chicago, in Feb 1902
LDS 1295971/72 WPA Chicago Death Index
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: LDS# 1295971 WPA Death Index for Chicago, Illinois 1871-1932
MILLER, Julius 245 Ashland Blvd cause V2 2/3/02 reg# 5-23
MILLER, Julius 15 Johnson cause V2 2/28/02 reg # 8-33
also this entry, but died too soon
MILLER, Julius 209 W 13 Pl code L2 4/17/97 reg# 72-30
Census 1900 Place: Monee, Will, Illinois
1900 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1900 IL census: Vol 160 ED 139 Sheet 6 Line 46: IL, Will Co, Monee Twp, i n a home, not a farm
MILLER, Joseph, born June 1849, age 50, married 18 years, born Germany o f German parents, arrived 1883, naturalized, peddler of tinware, can r/ w, speaks English, owns home with mortgage
MILLER, Franzelia, wife, born Feb 1858, age 42, 10 children-8 alive, bo rn Germany of German parents, arrived 1883, can not r/w, can not speak E nglish
MILLER, Rebecca, daughter, born Oct 1888, age 11 born IL, at school 10 m onths, can r/w, speaks English
MILLER, Katie, daughter, born Nov 1889, age 10 born IL, at school 10 mo nths, can r/w, speaks English
MILLER, Flora, daughter, born Sept 1891, age 8 born IL, at school 10 mo nths
MILLER, Esther, daughter, born Sept 1892, age 7 born IL at school 5 mon ths
MILLER, Jacob, son , born July 1896, age 3 born IL
MILLER, Julius, son, born Nov 1897, age 2, born IL
Burial ABT 1902 Place: Monee, Will, Illinois
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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