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Individual Record for: Jack Miller (male)

     Nickname: Jacob

    Eleatzar Miller
  Joseph Henry Miller      Family Record
Jack Miller      Family Record Bessie+
Aberhaus Cotton
  Franzelia Cotton      Family Record
    Mary Meyerowitz+

Spouse Children
Freida Cohen
  (Family Record)
Shirley Miller
Irwin Miller
Thelma Dorian Miller

Event Date Details
Birth JUL 1896 Place: Goodenow, Will, Illinois
Apel, Helene Miller
Quality: Questionable
Source Text: Jack born in Goodenow, Illinois. No other proof to this statement has b een found.
Death 29 MAR 1946
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Bnai Abraham Zion (Washington Blvd Temple), gate 47, lot 406
Beloved Husband
and Father
Jack Miller
at rest Mar 29, 1946
age 49 years

Frieda Miller
1897 * 1973
Census 1900 Place: Monee, Will, Illinois
1900 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1900 IL census: Vol 160 ED 139 Sheet 6 Line 46: IL, Will Co, Monee Twp, i n a home, not a farm: MILLER, Jacob, son , born July 1896, age 3 born I L
Census 16 APR 1930 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1930 IL Federal Census
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1930 Chicago, Cook, Illinois: Roll:T626_451 Page:3A ED:2604 Image:0905
16 April 1930, 3354 W 19th Street, dwelling 26, family 46
Miller, Jacob, head, rents $45, radio, 33 married age 23, lit, b IL of R ussian parents speaking Jewish, watchman in general product co for wage s, not a veteran
Freida, wife, 33, married age 22, lit, b IL of Russian parents speaking J ewish
Shirley, dau, 10, in school, lit, b IL
Irwin, son, 6, in school, b IL
Thelma, dau, 1 7/12, b IL
- family 47
Cohen, Michael, head, rents $50, no radio, 55, married age 21, lit, b R ussia of Russian parents speaking Jewish, imm 1883, naturalized, speaks E nglish, fruit vendor, owner
Rose, wife, 59, married age 25, lit, b Germany of German parents speaki ng Jewish, imm 1890, naturalized, speaks English
Danzinger, Eva, sister in law, 68, widow, married age 21, lit, b German y of German parents speaking Jewish, imm 1922, alien, does not speak En glish
Cohen, Leo, son, 20, married age 20, lit, b IL, fa b Russia, mo b Germa ny, speaks English, cutter in ladies millinery for wages
Freida, dau in law, 19, married age 19, lit, b IL of Russian parents
Miller, Joseph, cousin(sic), 87, widow, married age 20, lit, b Russia o f Russian parents speaking Jewish, imm 1880, naturalized, speaks Englis h [this has to be Jack's father]
Census 9 JAN 1920 Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
1920 IL Federal Census
Page: 1920: T625_323 Page: 15A ED: 798 Image: 0071     Quality: Secondary
Source Text: 1149 Mozart, dwelling 90, family 221, 9 Jan 1920, Chicago, Cook, Illino is
Cohen, Mike, head, rents, 46, imm 1880 naturalized 1887, can r/w, b Rus sia of Russian parents speaking Yiddish, speaks English, peddler in mar ket, owner
Rose, wife, 46, imm 1895, nat 1887, can r/w, b Germany of German parent s speaking German, speaks English
Leo, son, 9 4/12, in school, b IL
Miller, Jack, son in law, 23, can r/w, b IL of Russian parents speaking Y iddish, speaks English, chauffeur for truch for wages
Frieda, dau, 21, can r/w, b IL, speaks English
Feldstein, Morris, lodger, 30, married, imm 1913, petitioned, can r/w, b R ussian of Russian parents speaking Yiddish, speaks English, woodturner i n lamp factory for wages
Burial ABT 31 MAR 1946 Place: Forest Park, Cook, Illinois
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Bnai Abraham Zion (Washington Blvd Temple), gate 47, lot 406
Beloved Husband
and Father
Jack Miller
at rest Mar 29, 1946
age 49 years

Frieda Miller
1897 * 1973
Hebrew Name  
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Hebrew> Tamah Devorah bat Reb Jakov
Thelma Dorian Miller
died May 26, 1930
age 22 months
Buried next to grandfather, Joseph Henry Miller
Interment ABT 31 MAR 1946 Place: Forest Park, Cook, Illinois
Apel, Helene Miller
Page: personal knowledge     Quality: Questionable
IL Forest Park, Waldheim Cemetery
Quality: Secondary
Source Text: Bnai Abraham Zion gate 47, lot 406 (Oak Park Temple/Washington Blvd Te mple)
Beloved Husband
and Father
Jack Miller
at rest Mar 29, 1946
age 49 years

Frieda Miller
1897 * 1973
GEDCOM file imported on 2 Apr 2006

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